One of the Bethel women and Bible School children

Four women from Bethel UB (Elmore, Ohio) traveled to Jamaica February 16-23 to work at the Craighead United Brethren church: Melissa Blausey (over a dozen previous visits), Vicki Kreinbihl (her first trip), Paula Shaffer (3rd trip), and Betty Brown (6th trip). They worked with a Bible School in the church and built relationships in the area.

They took $651 to help pay for steps to the church, which are being finished now. They also took about 55 pairs of shoes, 136 boxes of crayons, and other supplies.

The Bethel church has been involved at Craighead for many years, since Dave Datema was the pastor. Several years ago they put a good-sized addition on the church, minus the floor and roof. A group of women returned about three years ago with $6000 so they could add a roof. The men of Craighead did all the work. Last year they took money to get the windows put in.

Follow the link to read excerpts from Betty Brown’s journal, starting from their arrival at the Montego Bay airport on February 16.

Billy Simbo, Bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, reports the death of Rev. Idrisa Murana, Pastor of the Trinity UB Church in Allen Town (the Western region). He had been sick with typhoid and malaria, which he was treating at home. He was admitted to the hospital on March 2 and passed away the next day.

Pastor Murana was 44 years old. He leaves behind his wife and four children. He will be buried in his home town of Talia, near Mattru.

Just a reminder to senior pastors and licensed ministers: your annual reports are due to Bishop Phil Whipple on Monday, March 1. Lots of reports have been coming to the office this week.

The Israel group led by Dennis Miller (on the far right)

The Israel group led by Dennis Miller (on the far right)

Denny Miller giving instruction to the group.

Denny Miller giving instruction to the group.

A group of UB ministers is concluding a “Familiarity Tour” to Israel led by Dennis Miller, pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). This trip is primarily for United Brethren pastors and spouses who haven’t visited Israel before, and who would be interested in leading a trip sometime in the future.

In the photos above you’ll find these pastors and spouses:

Denny and Karin Miller (Emmanuel)
Marty and Amy Pennington (Mainstreet UB, Walbridge, Ohio)
Greg and Cerise Reed (Morning Star UB, Kokomo, Ind.)
Gary and Rhonda Dilley (College Park UB, Huntington, Ind.)
Josh Kesler (The Well, Huntington, Ind.)
Darrel and Barb Bosworth (Kilpatrick UB, Woodland, Mich.)
Mike Caley (Banner of Christ UB, Byron Center, Mich.)
Craig and Rhonda Mickey (Emmanuel UB, Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Lee Rhodes (Countryside UB, Breckenridge, Mich.)
Steve Fish (Shoreline UB, Oak Harbor, Ohio)
Denny and Annette Sites (Jerusalem Chapel, Churchville, Va.)
Chuck Malson (Brown Corners UB, Clare, Mich.)
Doug and Nan Stull (Shepherd of the Valley, Logan, Ohio)
Rocky and Diane Spear (Mongul UB, Shippensburg, Pa.)
Patrick and Judy Daugherty (Atlantic Avenue UB, New Castle, Pa.)
Brad Kittle (The ROCK, Findlay Ohio)
Anna Geivett (Emmanuel UB, Fort Wayne, Ind.)

They’ll be returning this weekend. You can view a whole bunch of photos, divided up by each day, on Denny Miller’s blog.

Charlie and Ruth Snider

Charlie and Ruth Snider

Ruth Snider, a retired minister with the United Brethren Church in Canada, celebrated her 90th birthday on February 24, 2010. Ruth served several churches in Ontario over the years, beginning with the Roseville church (Ayr, Ontario) in 1943. She graduated from Toronto Bible College in 1944, and was ordained in 1967.

In 1984, after 10 years as pastor of Bloem Avenue UB church in Toronto, Ruth became a director with Food for the Hungry Canada, which later became Hope International Development Agency. After she retired from Hope, she pastored two more churches–Shiloh UB (Tiverton, Ontario) and Roseville (once again).

Ruth and her husband, Charlie (who turned 90 last August) were married in 1942. They have both been highly involved in mission work over the years. Charlie has worked in many different countries throughout the world as a “technical missionary,” heading up or participating in various types of building projects. They now live at Lakeshore Lodge, a longterm care home.


The first-ever UB Children’s Ministry Leaders Summit will be held May 18-19 in Holly Hill, Fla. The event will be hosted by First UB church in Holly Hill. This is aimed especially at staffpersons who minister in this field.

You will have the opportunity to spend time with children’s ministry workers from across our denomination: learning from each other, sharing ideas, networking, relaxing, and soaking up the Florida sunshine! This is a unique opportunity for you to fellowship with others who share your passion.

We know you will find it helpful, encouraging, and fun. Best of all, it’s FREE! (Go ahead, read that sentence again.) Yes, we really did say FREE! All you need to do is get there and we will cover your meals and lodging for 3 nights (May 17, 18, and 19). So drive, fly, or start walking now, but do not miss this amazing event!

Let’s Review:

What: Children’s Ministry Leaders Summit
When: May 18-19, 2010
Where: First UB in Holly Hill, Fla.
Cost: Travel expenses are up to you. Lodging and meals are provided.
Why: Networking, fellowship, encouragement, and fun!

To register, and for more information, go to:


A conference focusing on spiritual care will be held May 18-20 at the Oglebay Resort and Conference Center in Wheeling, W. Va. This event is aimed at church staffpersons who work in such areas as spiritual care, assimilation, and visitation.

Cost: $75. That includes lodging on May 18 and 19, and 1 dinner. You will need to purchase 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, and 1 dinner.
Registration Deadline: April 30
Arrival: Tuesday, May 18, by 5 pm
Departure: Thursday, May 20, by 11 am

A conference for United Brethren worship leaders.

A conference for United Brethren worship leaders, especially staffpersons who work in this field, will be held May 3-6 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Two keynote speakers have been lined up. Workshops and morning devotions will be led by UB worship leaders.

Cost. $110 per person. This will cover lodging and the evening meal. Pastors will be on their own for breakfast and lunch.

Lodging. Accommodations will be on the beach. Larger group meetings will be held at First UB church in Holly Hill, about 10 minutes away.

Transportation. You must provide your own transportation to Daytona Beach and and for getting around once there.