UB Boy, Age 6, Raises $450+ for Haiti

Isaac Stevenson

Isaac Stevenson

I received an email this morning from Jeannie Browning, whose husband, Fred, is pastor of the Cream Ridge United Brethren church in Lenore, Idaho. She told me about Isaac Stevenson, a six-year-old boy from their church who saw pictures of children suffering in Haiti and wanted to do something for them.

Isaac raised over $450. Jeannie asked me if Global Ministries could send the funds to Samaritan’s Purse. I assured her that 100 percent of the money would go to Samaritan’s Purse.

Here is the story, taken from a local newspaper account.

Wanting to help the children of Haiti, Isaac gave the contents of his piggy bank, which came to $4. His parents decided to help him by holding a bake sale.

Isaac went to the city park and began selling baked goods to local residents.

One man asked him how much it cost for a loaf of bread. “Two dollars,” Isaac said.

“Is your goal to make $100?” the man asked.

“Yes,” Isaac told him.

The man handed Isaac a $100 bill and said, “Your goal is met.”

But it didn’t stop there. Altogether, Isaac raised $459.36 for Haiti.

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