11 Jan Cluster Leader Training
Twenty-six cluster leaders came to Huntington, Ind., for a day of training on January 10, 2011. They met in the Habecker Dining Commons at Huntington University. Dalton Jenkins, a cluster leader from Yonkers, N.Y., couldn’t attend in person, but he did participate in the entire meeting over the internet via Skype.
Each cluster leader oversees a group of 3-10 United Brethren churches. The senior pastors of these churches meet for training, fellowship, encouragement, and accountability.
Dan Kopp, senior pastor of NorthPointe UB church in Lewis Center, Ohio, led the training, which focused on the coaching relationship between cluster leaders and senior pastors. They did a lot of role-playing to practice the techniques of coaching.
Dennis Miller, senior pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.), works one day a week as the denominational Cluster Coordinator. Two former bishops serve on staff at Emmanuel–C. Ray Miller and Ron Ramsey. Both of them will work alongside Rev. Miller to interact regularly with the cluster leaders.
You can read more about the clusters and cluster grouping here.