David Kline (right), Associate Director of Global Ministries

In November 2015, I will lead a trip to Macau as an opportunity to introduce Macau, its culture, and ministry to a few individuals who have an interest in supporting or serving the work in Macau and its staff. I would love for you to join me.

Here are a few things we will likely be do while in Macau:

  • Visit our two existing Macau UB churches.
  • Meet with some of our staff who are working in schools in China.
  • Connect one-on-one with local UB church members.
  • Pray with and encourage our current Macau staff.
  • Look for possible connections in the future.
  • Take in as many cultural experiences as possible.

On a more personal note, this trip will be a homecoming of sorts. My family and I served in Macau for almost 10 years. I love the people, food, language, and rhythm of that city. Can’t wait to share that passion with others on this trip.

I want to build a team of 5-10 people. The dates we are currently looking at are November 11-23, 2015. The sooner that we can firm up numbers and plans, the cheaper this trip will be.

Currently, airfare is just under $1000, which is extremely reasonable. We hope to keep the total cost of the trip in the neighborhood of $2500.

If you’re interested in joining this trip, I would love to talk to you. You can contact me by email or you can call me here at the Global Ministries office: toll-free (888) 622-3019. I look forward to hearing from you!

Global Ministries is sponsoring a number of short-term trips in 2016. Perhaps you would like to participate in one. They involve a variety of countries and needs.

All Global Ministries sponsored trips have the following built into the cost:

  • Round-trip airfare.
  • In-country travel.
  • Food and lodging in-country (travelers must pay for food in airports to and from the ministry site).
  • Side-trips and entrance fees for special activities in-country.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Materials for ministry.

In some cases, special entry visas are needed. In these situations, that price will also be included in the advertised price of the trip.


January 16-23: Jamaica
Description: Work on the dining hall at Regent College of the Caribbean.
Team Leader: Dwight Kuntz.
Cost: $800 plus airfare.

January 30 – February 6: Honduras
Description: Work at the conference campground outside of La Ceiba.
Cost: $800 plus airfare.

March 19-26: Nicaragua
Description: Work on construction of the conference center in Masaya.
Cost: $800 plus airfare.

October 6-22: Sierra Leone
Description: Construction at Mattru Hospital in Mattru.
Cost: $2,750.

Medical Team

June 25 – July 2: Honduras
Description: Conduct five free medical clinics in local United Brethren churches in the Tela region.
Cost: $800 plus airfare.

Ministry Teams

June 1-11: Spain
Description: Two teams will conduct English camps in Spain—one in southern Spain, the other in the Basque region of northern Spain.
Cost: $1,000 plus airfare.

June 1-11: Spain
Description: Construction/sports ministry in southern Spain.
Cost: $1,000 plus airfare.

June 10-17: Honduras
Description: Conduct VBS/children’s ministry in Honduras.
Cost: $800 plus airfare.

June 24 – July 6: Poland
Description: Work with an English camp in an area of new outreach.
Cost: $850 plus airfare.

July 23-30: Guatemala
Description: Work with CH Global to conduct children’s ministry in UB churches in Guatemala City.
Cost: $850 plus airfare.

Note: Global Ministries can also connect individuals with a medical/construction/children’s ministry team going to Jamaica. Check with the Global Ministries office for more information.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

In March 2015, United Brethren leaders from six Hispanic conferences–Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica–gathered in Nicaragua. There, they heard about a new approach to making and multiplying disciples and leaders. Since that time, they have continued to gather regularly, for five days at a time, to continue their training.

BILD is a discipleship and leadership development resource based on the model Paul presented to his disciple Timothy when he wrote, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

For the past three years, Honduras Conference has used BILD with great success. This local church-based training makes possible the exponential multiplication of disciples and leaders at very little cost and without the need for elaborate infrastructure.

The third of six trainings to mentor our Hispanic leaders into the program takes place September 21-25 in Masaya, Nicaragua. Each country has been raising funds to send their delegation to the quarterly training, but we’d like to provide you the opportunity to contribute a gift to get them over the hump, so to speak. Any gift you provide toward this project will be used to supplement their fundraising efforts.

Send to:

Global Ministries
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750

Maintaining the solar panels which power Radio Douentza. This radio station was opened in 1993 and broadcasts in local languages.

Maintaining the solar panels which power Radio Douentza. This radio station was opened in 1993 and broadcasts in local languages.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

USAID is providing an opportunity for small organizations like ours to be provided funding to improve healthcare in Ebola ravaged West Africa. We are currently involved in preparing a grant proposal that would provide the funds needed to install a solar electricity system with sufficient capacity to supply the needs of the Mattru UBIC Hospital and a surplus that can be sold to the surrounding community.

If you know of a public organization or for-profit company that might be interested in providing support, pass the following letter on to them. Please note that we have a deadline of September 20, 2015, to submit our application, so letters of intent would need to be received in our office no later than September 7th.

Seth and Brenda Mallay and children.

Seth and Becca Mallay and children.

Seth and Becca Mallay have joined the Global Ministries family as endorsed missionaries. They are members of Hillsdale UB church in Hillsdale, Mich.

The Mallays serve with World Medical Mission (the medical arm of Samaritan’s Purse). They are preparing for medical mission work in Togo, a small country of 6.8 million people in West Africa. they will spend the entirety of 2016 learning French in France before arriving in Togo.

Seth is a family physician who will work at the Hôpital Baptiste Biblique in Adéta, Togo. He will provide a variety of medical care, while evangelizing to and praying for his patients in the hospital and clinic. Becca will work in education, discipleship, and children’s ministries in the community in and around the hospital compound.

Seth felt the call to become a fulltime medical missionary as a child, and remained committed to this call throughout medical school and residency. He is honored to be able to serve in a country like Togo, where basic medical care is still a desperate need and where a significant percentage of the population has yet to hear the Gospel.

Becca’s parents were missionaries, and she was raised on the mission field in Brazil. From a young age, she felt called to fulltime mission work in Africa.

When Seth and Becca met in Michigan, they immediately recognized their common calling and decided to pursue their future in medical missions together. They have four children.

Address for Contributions

Samaritan’s Purse
Attn: Post-Residency Program
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607

Please make checks out to “Samaritan’s Purse” and write “Dr. Seth Mallay, Account # 005125” on the memo line.

You can also give to them through the World Medical Mission website by entering “Mallay” into the search bar under “FIND DR/MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL.” Their names, account number, and photo will appear, along a place to enter your donation amount.

Dennis and Debra Osberg

Dennis and Debra Osberg

Many United Brethren will remember Dennis and Debbie Osberg, who were endorsed missionaries serving in Honduras at a school called Academia Los Pinares. Debbie is a UB pastor’s kid, the daughter of Marvin and Grace Ann Price, and is also a niece of former Wycliffe missionary Ruthann Price.

The Osbergs initially served in Honduras 1994-2000, and went off the endorsed list upon returning to the States. But in 2006 they returned to Academia Los Pinares for another ten years. The Osbergs are now preparing to return to Honduras for their final year there. Debbie writes:

“As August begins, it finds us packing up again to return to Honduras for another school year. However, this year is bitter sweet as it will be our last year living in Honduras. After 16 years of serving the Lord through Academia Los Pinares…we feel it’s time to move on. This year marks Dennis’s 40th year in education, which is a good time to wrap up his career in education and begin a new area of work. We anticipate the Lord to provide abundantly for the needs of the school as well as for us through this big transition of location and job. We’ll be moving back to the States next June and looking forward to settling in Colorado close to our children and grandchildren.”

Mission Team Training
Date: October 16-17, 2015
Time: 6:30pm on Friday, 9am – 3:30pm Saturday
Location: Ebenezer UB church, Greencastle, Pa.

Global Ministries conducts these two-day seminars for persons interested in leading or participating in a short-term cross-cultural ministry. It’s a very informative, interactive, and fun seminar. These seminars are held periodically in regional settings. Dozens of United Brethren people have now taken this training.

We need more people who are trained to lead mission teams. If you have ever led a team, you know how complex a responsibility it is. This seminar provides the tools and insights necessary to prepare travelers’ hands, heads, and hearts before they go.

So who should attend?

  • Mission committee members.
  • Mission pastors.
  • Youth pastors.
  • Team leaders.
  • Anyone who might like to become a team leader.


  • $45 per person.
  • $35 for groups of 5 or more.

The cost includes training materials, two lunches, and coffee breaks. Lodging is available at local motels.

Active pastors can come free IF they bring at least one other person from their congregation. In addition, active pastors will receive 1 CEU for participating.

For More Information

  • Check out the Global Ministries exhibit at National Conference in July.
  • Call Donna Hollopeter, associate director of Global Ministries, toll-free at 888-622-3019, ext. 306.

Global Ministries is sponsoring a ministry/vision trip to Macau on November 11-21. Participants will observe the various ways God is opening doors for ministry in that part of the world. More information will be available at the Global Ministries exhibit during National Conference.

Cost: $2,500 per person. That includes airfare, lodging, food, in-country travel, and cost of visa for a visit to Mainland China.

Participants will:

  • Meet our mission staff in Macau.
  • Visit the UB churches in Macau.
  • Learn more about ministry in Macau.
  • Have an opportunity to do prayer walks on behalf of the churches and staff.
  • Take a one-day visit into Mainland China to interact with UB staff serving in the area and learn more about life and opportunities on that side of the border.

A Global Ministries staffperson will lead the trip. There are a few more openings for this team. We encourage you to prayerfully consider joining this team.

teachers600Through Global Ministries connections, there is a unique opportunity for a few people with high school teaching experience (preferably five years or more) to spend nearly four weeks in China this summer training Chinese high school English teachers. The dates: July 9 – August 3.

All expenses are paid with a weekly stipend. Experience working with English Language Learners is preferred. Contact Global Ministries for more details before these opportunities are gone!

Email: [email protected]
Toll-free: 888.622.3019

Global Ministries has partnerships with two organizations that have a presence in Nepal. If you are looking for a way to respond to the earthquake crisis, we recommend either one to you.

International Needs has an extensive team of church planters and staff that work in child sponsorship and education. Spread throughout the country, they can provide on-the-ground assistance in both the short-term and long-term.

Send your gift marked “Nepal Relief” to:

International Needs
5570 32nd Avenue,
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Samaritan’s Purse has the network and expertise in dealing with relief needs as experienced first responders.

Send your gift marked “Nepal Relief” to:

Samaritans Purse
PO Box 3000
Boone NC 28607