27 Aug Urgent Opportunity to Improve Healthcare in Ebola Ravaged West Africa

Maintaining the solar panels which power Radio Douentza. This radio station was opened in 1993 and broadcasts in local languages.
Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries
USAID is providing an opportunity for small organizations like ours to be provided funding to improve healthcare in Ebola ravaged West Africa. We are currently involved in preparing a grant proposal that would provide the funds needed to install a solar electricity system with sufficient capacity to supply the needs of the Mattru UBIC Hospital and a surplus that can be sold to the surrounding community.
If you know of a public organization or for-profit company that might be interested in providing support, pass the following letter on to them. Please note that we have a deadline of September 20, 2015, to submit our application, so letters of intent would need to be received in our office no later than September 7th.
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