June 2, 2010
Reports indicate that Tropical Storm Agatha has caused 123 deaths in Guatemala, 14 in Honduras, and 9 in El Salvador. Guatemala, however, is also feeling the effects of the Pacaya Volcano eruption that began last Thursday night and continued to spew ash until Tuesday.
Here are two reports from our superintendent in Guatemala, Rev. Francisco Najera (right).
First Report
“It has been raining nearly without a break since Tuesday, May 25, causing widespread flooding in several parts of the country. However, on Thursday the 27th at 3 pm we also felt a tremor throughout most of the country which did not last long, thanks be to God, but caused a little scare. At 7:20 pm, loud thunder was heard, and since it was raining we thought everything was normal. But after our evening service we realized that ash was falling along with the rain.
“This alarmed us all, because we were seeing something very unusual. It fell for several hours through the night due to the eruption of a volcano located between Guatemala City and Escuintla. The International Airport is closed due to the volcanic ash that is as deep as 8 cm (half inch) in some areas. The roof of my house sank in part due to the weight of water and ash, and several neighboring houses also were damaged.
“The Mount of Olives Church, which has just opened, is 18 kilometers from the volcano and lost about 40% of its roof. Although the volcano is closer to where our Escuintla churches are located, they have not reported damage. Our Central Church has no damage to its structure, but the ash has plugged downspouts and water is entering the building, as there is no place for the water to go.
“The government has declared a state of emergency in three departments of the country. About 2500 people have been evacuated. Several roads have collapsed, but the airport is scheduled to reopen on Monday. Please remember us in your prayers.”
Second Report
“Since yesterday, it has rained without even a pause for 18 hours. This has caused rivers to overflow, and roads and bridges to collapse. Five families housed in the Rock of Salvation Church have unfortunately lost their homes and all their possessions due to the rains. We thank God, they were in the church, not in their homes when they collapsed and were swept away. We have taken clothes and food to this group of 23 people, mostly children, who are hurting deeply. We are doing everything possible to feed and house them.
“Your prayer and assistance would be welcomed. The rains continue, and will continue until next week according to the news media.”
Global Ministries will pass on 100% of any donations received to assist our Guatemalan church members. Please be sure to indicate that your gift is intended for “Guatemalan Relief.”