28 Oct Jen Blandin Prepares to Return to Macau
Jennifer Blandin, UB staff in Macau, has been on extended educational leave for most of this year. This summer, she received her Master’s degree from Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio. In November, she will return to Macau. Here is an excerpt from her most recent newsletter.
Jennifer Blandin
September was a month of rest. After a year of studying, speaking, and working, I was able to take some time to slow down and recover from always being on the go.
I must admit that slowing down took some time to adjust to. The best way I can describe the feeling is like detoxing from something that we are addicted to. I was addicted to busyness. Thankfully, I was given a chance to detox from it and settle into a period of time to rest.
To help with detox, I was able to enjoy time with my nieces and nephews, take a couple of relaxing trips to visit family who live in other cities, sleep in later than 6 am, have leisurely lunches with family and friends, read the newspaper, and take walks where I could enjoy time with God in His creation and not have to worry about what needed to be done that day. September was just the kind of month I needed!
In a few weeks I will return to Macau. I am really excited about being able to return to Macau and walk the path God is laying out for me! It will be fun to reunite with friends as well as meet new people. But in order to do so, it means saying goodbye to family and friends here in the States. I would really appreciate your prayers concerning the transition period that is underway. Not just with goodbyes and hellos, but also with finding a place to live in Macau, settling into life there, and getting involved at Living Water Church and other ministries. I am excited to see what God has planned!