Jennifer Blandin, UB staff in Macau, has been on extended educational leave for most of this year. This summer, she received her Master’s degree from Winebrenner Theological Seminary in Findlay, Ohio. In November, she will return to Macau. Here is an excerpt from her most recent newsletter.

Jennifer Blandin

September was a month of rest. After a year of studying, speaking, and working, I was able to take some time to slow down and recover from always being on the go.

I must admit that slowing down took some time to adjust to. The best way I can describe the feeling is like detoxing from something that we are addicted to. I was addicted to busyness. Thankfully, I was given a chance to detox from it and settle into a period of time to rest.

To help with detox, I was able to enjoy time with my nieces and nephews, take a couple of relaxing trips to visit family who live in other cities, sleep in later than 6 am, have leisurely lunches with family and friends, read the newspaper, and take walks where I could enjoy time with God in His creation and not have to worry about what needed to be done that day. September was just the kind of month I needed!

In a few weeks I will return to Macau. I am really excited about being able to return to Macau and walk the path God is laying out for me! It will be fun to reunite with friends as well as meet new people. But in order to do so, it means saying goodbye to family and friends here in the States. I would really appreciate your prayers concerning the transition period that is underway. Not just with goodbyes and hellos, but also with finding a place to live in Macau, settling into life there, and getting involved at Living Water Church and other ministries. I am excited to see what God has planned!

We are partnering with IN Network to begin ministry in Turkey. We received the following from Rody Rodeheaver of IN Network regarding the recent earthquake. If you would like to help, gifts can also be sent to Global Ministries, and we’ll forward 100% to IN Network.–Jeff Bleijerveld

Rody Rodeheaver

As you saw in the news and heard on Mission Network News, there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake Sunday that struck the city of Van and the town, Ercis, located in the northeastern part of Turkey. News reports are reporting a death toll of around 300 with another 1,300 injured; over 950 buildings are demolished.

A health services building along with part of the hospital collapsed and the injured were being treated in the hospital’s garden. Two make-shift tent hospitals were being erected on Sunday. Rescuers and survivors are contending with near-freezing temperatures and some people are burning wood from collapsed buildings for warmth.

Behnan shared with me that there is a new Protestant church of about 150 people in the city of Van, and miraculously the church structures were unharmed in the earthquake. The church leadership is not only reaching out to their own people affected by the quake, but are organizing efforts to meet the tremendous needs throughout the area. People are in need of blankets, drinking water, food, and clothing. I.N. Turkey will be working side by side with the pastor and congregation to get the staples needed to the people in that area.

International Needs USA will be working through our staff in Turkey to provide funds to purchase needed items like blankets, clothes and food for the people most affected in this terrible disaster.

Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld (right) and Bishop Brian Magnus of the UB Church in Canada are on their way to the Philippines. They leave today, October 24, 2011, and will return October 31. They will attend the Philippines National Conference. Brian is chairman of the UB International Executive Committee.

Donna Delik, UB endorsed staff in Poland (sent October 16)

We are very thankful for the Hong Kong Chinese mission team that has come to minister with us in Poland. We have done meetings in different places like school, church, and community center meetings, and got very positive response. Rev. Chan from Zion Church (my home church) has presented the gospel very clearly with the teaching of Taoism and Chinese character. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in people hearts.

One more day to go and I will take the team to Krakow. After the service this afternoon, Arek left to see his parents, as his father’s condition is getting very critical.

We will appreciate your prayers:

  • For Arek, who is going to take care of his parents, especially dad, and try to find someone to take care of them.
  • We still have one more school meeting on Monday. I will be taking care of the team all on my own. Thanks God that there are 2 Polish girls help me out, but when we travel to Krakow, I will be all on my own. A whole van of Chinese with an American driver, who has come with the team. It will be challenging. And we still haven’t found someone to bring me and the van back to Kutno.

Heavy rainfall in El Salvador has caused severe flooding, as rivers overflow and mountain slopes fall apart.

Rev. Gonzalo Alas (right), who heads up our work there, wrote:

“In the Caluco church, where the pastor is Isaiah Reyes, all the brothers have had to leave their homes because the river ran through this place and flooded their homes and the church. The church is now being used to house neighbors from the community.

“We have 17 members of the church people affected, and 81 people in the community are now staying in the church.

“We have some problems regarding food, blankets, and medicine. They are forecasting that rain will continue for the rest of this week.

“The municipal government of Caluco has been providing small grants, but given the extent of the emergency in different places it does not keep up with the needs.

“Please pray for us in this difficult time. If you have opportunity to help us it would be a blessing for these families.”

Arek and Donna Delik (right) are endorsed UB missionaries serving in Poland. Donna wrote on October 10:

“Arek just talked to his father on the phone, and his father’s condition has worsened. He got very severe diarrhea and became very weak. They had to call the doctor to see dad at home. After the visit, the doctor referred him to the hospice. That means we have to prepare for the worst.

“We will really appreciate your prayers Arek’s dad and for us as well, especially for these 2 weeks (10/10 to 21/10) when we are having our Hong Kong mission team for the Chinese Culture Week. We pray that dad will get better and there won’t be anything happen to him during this time, otherwise Arek has to rush to Slupsk. We really feel that our enemy is trying to distract us from this particular time of ministry. Please stand with us in prayer.”

Global Ministries is sponsoring a number of short-term mission trips in 2012.

Participants need to fill out an application form, which you can obtain by contacting the Global Ministries office. These trips require a valid passport before starting the application process. Please do not submit an application form if you do not have a valid passport.

Germany English Camp
Date: July 27–-August 11, 2012
Description: Work with Galen and Maritta Fiedler.
Cost: $750 plus airfare.
Application deadline: April 10, 2012

Spain English Camp
Date: June 20-30, 2012
Description: Work with missionaries Ron and Brenda Anderson in a Family English Camp.
Cost: $1000 plus airfare.
Application deadline: April 10, 2012

Poland English Camp
Date: June 22–July 5, 2012, approximate
Description: Work with missionaries Arek and Donna Delik.
Cost: $750 plus airfare.
Application deadline: April 10, 2012

China English Camp
Date: Pending
Description: Work with Huntington University’s TESOL Program at an English Day Camp.
If interested: Contact the Institute for TESOL Studies at Huntington University.

Nicaragua Baseball Camp/Ministry
Date: January 5-17, 2012
Cost: $450 plus airfare

Jamaica: Malvern Camp Construction
Team 1: January 28 – February 4, 2012
Team 2: February 4-11, 2012
Team 3: February 11-18, 2012
Cost: $500 per person plus airfare

Honduras: Medical Trip
Date: June 15-23, 2012
Cost: $650 plus airfare
Application deadline: April 10, 2012.

Pastor HM Lee preaching.

Our two churches in Thailand are located just south of the Chinese border. Many persons living in these mountain villages speak either Akha or Mandarin Chinese, but not Thai. While learning to speak English may be popular in some places, most people in northern Thailand want to learn Chinese.

Rev. H.M. Lee recently started a United Brethren Chinese-language church plant. This third church will strengthen the efforts of our two existing Akha-language churches planted in the past 15 years.

Frank and Ginny

Global Ministries has hired Frank Y as a new associate director (for security reasons, we won’t use his full name on our websites and will be vague about some of his work). He becomes the fourth member of the staff, joining Jeff Bleijerveld (director), Donna Hollopeter (associate director), and Peggy Sell (administrative assistant). Frank and his wife, Ginny, are members of Emmanuel UB church in Fort Wayne, Ind.

Frank was born in China. He came to the States at age 7, when his father came here to earn his Master’s and PhD in Engineering at the University of Florida. Frank spent his childhood in several east coast states, but mostly in New Jersey, where his parents now live.

A relationship with a Taiwanese Christian woman–which started when she found his father’s lost wallet and returned it–eventually led to Frank’s family becoming Christians. The story also involves a serious heart condition Frank had, a hole in his heart. His mother began reaching out to God by praying over Frank…and he was completely healed. As he says now, “My heart is God’s.” Frank himself made the decision to follow Christ in junior high.

Frank earned an engineering degree from Cornell University, and then came to Fort Wayne in 2002 to work with Lincoln Financial Group. He worked in various departments, including strategy, marketing, and operations. He began worshiping at the Love Church in downtown Fort Wayne, but also attended a Bible study at The Chapel in the western suburbs. He and Ginny, who grew up in Fort Wayne, met at that Bible study, and were married in 2004.

In 2007, Frank and Ginny relocated to Asia, where Frank taught English with a like-minded organization for four years, and also worked three years in member care. Frank and Ginny recently completed graduate degrees at Wheaton College in Illinois. Frank’s degree was in Intercultural Studies and Ginny’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

While attending Emmanuel during summer furloughs, Frank got acquainted with Jeff Bleijerveld, director of Global Ministries. That relationship eventually led to Jeff approaching Frank about joining the Global Ministries staff. Frank started September 15.

Frank and Ginny live in Fort Wayne, and are expecting their first child–a boy–in October.

Frank’s responsibilities will focus on three areas:

  1. Supervising the overseas Global Ministries staff.
  2. Dealing with new applicants and candidates.
  3. Business as Mission.

Donna Hollopeter, in her associate role, will focus on short-term volunteers, internships, and staff care. Jeff Bleijerveld will devote his time to mobilizing local churches, promotion, and coming alongside our international partners in their church planting and mission endeavors.