22 Oct Small Business Training in Nicaragua

The three North Americans with the Nicaraguans who participated in five days of small business training.
Jeff Bleijerveld (right), Director of Global Ministries
Exponential growth of the Church is occurring in many non-Western countries. Three factors seem to be consistently present:
- The rapid multiplication of disciples who make disciples.
- Church structures that are adapted to the environment.
- Pastors and church planters who are developing small businesses.
Many look at the use of small business as a way for pastors and church planters to simply support themselves. But there are many other advantages.
Acts 18:1-4 gives the example of Paul and coworkers Aquila and Priscilla, who supported themselves as tentmakers. In this way, they gained access to people in the Corinthian marketplace among whom they could evangelize and make disciples. Their example and integrity earned the respect of outsiders and believers.
Global Ministries has been providing training for pastors and church planters who want to use small business to transform their communities for Christ.
Last week, three of us from the United States spent five days in Nicaragua. I was joined by Jeff Dice (non-traditional Global Ministries staff member) and Victor Mojica, a Hispanic pastor who leads the Clearview UB church in Goshen, Ind.
We conducted five days of small business training with 11 pastors and church planters in Nicaragua. The small business training provided everything they would need to know to effectively start and manage a small business, but also focused on how to use the business to expand their ministry. It’s what is known as the dual bottom line – successful business and successful ministry.
The training this past week was the second such effort. The first was conducted in Sierra Leone. Global Ministries hopes to continue offering similar training events in Central America, Africa, India, and Asia.
If you’re a small business owner and would be interested in knowing more about serving as a trainer, contact Jeff Bleijerveld in Global Ministries.