05 Nov Toupins and Ruth Rivera Arrived in Sierra Leone

Michelle Harris, associate director of UB Global, leads in prayer for the travelers at the airport in Fort Wayne, Ind.

Ruth Rivera (right) with Dr. Richard and Cathy Toupin.

Ruth packing for the six-week trip to Sierra Leone.

Ruth at work at Mattru Hospital.
On October 29, Ruth Esther Rivera Mejia, a dentist from Honduras, and Dr. Richard Toupin and Cathy Toupin left for Sierra Leone. They will serve at Mattru Hospital for six weeks. We are looking forward to what God will do in and through this team.
They worshiped at the UB church in Bo on Sunday morning, November 1, and arrived in Mattru late that afternoon.
Now these servants–surgeon, nurse, and dentist–are at work bringing healing to people through Mattru Hospital.
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