02 Apr Obituary: Karen Crumbley, 82, Former UB Missionary

Lamar and Karen Crumbley as missionaries in Honduras.
Karen Crumbley, 82, a former UB missionary in Honduras and Macau, died March 26, 2019. She and her husband, Lamar, were finishing a cruise to celebrate their 51st anniversary when Karen suffered a massive heart attack during the night.
Lamar and Karen Crumbley were missionaries in Honduras over a 15-year period beginning in the late 1970s, and also served a short-term stint in Macau in 2003.
A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, at the Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Canton, Georgia.
Fonda and Robert Cassidy
Posted at 14:35h, 02 AprilYou will now wear a crown! The crown of Glory. Thanks be to God for the many years of service that you sacrificially gave! May Lamar be comforted, by God’s grace and Glory in a comfort that only Jesus can give. One day we will all be together again! Thank you for giving to the Lord!
Mary Miller
Posted at 17:06h, 02 AprilWe were honored to know the Crumbley and hosted them while we Pastored in Burbank Ca.
Our heart and prayers go out to Lamar and the family.. May the Lord comfort you and yours during this time. pastor Bill& Mary Miller