28 Jul Obit: Death of Dwight Kuntz

Dwight and Patti Kuntz
Dwight Kuntz passed away late Friday night, July 27, 2018. He was an ordained United Brethren minister, and since 2012, he and his wife, Patti, had been spending part of the year in Jamaica as UB Global missionaries working with short-term teams. That is what he was doing on July 2, when he became very ill and had to be rushed back to Indiana for treatment.
Patti posted the following on Facebook around 11pm on Friday:
“He is with Jesus. We were with him all day, praying, singing, crying, loving. Dwight Kuntz was a good man, he loved Jesus with all his heart, a wonderful husband, loving me unconditionally, an awesome father and Papa, who will be remembered forever.
“I will miss you, Love of my Life. Because of Christ Jesus, we will see you and David again in Glory!”
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