01 Jun College Park Group Headed to Lebanon

At the YFC center in Beirut
College Park UB church (Huntington, Ind.) has begun a partnership with YFC Lebanon and their work. A team of eight persons traveled May 31 to work with YFC targeting 12-18 year-olds.
Because it is Ramadan (the Muslim time of year during which there is strict fasting from sunrise to sunset), all activities will be after sunset. The team will break fast with Islamic families and then lead in camp-type activities. The teaching will be on the contrast between Muslim fasting and Christian fasting, with the desire to point students to Jesus.
They will also spend time with the YFC Beirut Center called Manara (Lighthouse). A quarter of a million people live in 1.6 square miles around the center. Students from many different ethnic groups and religious backgrounds come to the center to be tutored and receive ministry in various capacities. The team will do an outreach night on one evening to high school students (mostly Islamic in background), and one night with middle schoolers. The group return June 10.
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