13 Jul Obit: Rev. Emmett D. Cox

Emmett and Shirley Cox in Myanmar.
Emmett and Shirley Cox served as missionaries in Sierra Leone over a 20-year period beginning in 1957. Emmett served as a secondary school principal, business manager, general superintendent, primary school secretary, and field secretary.
From 1969 to 1973, he served as the elected General Secretary of Missions for the denomination, overseeing our mission work around the world.
Visitation: 3-7 pm Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Visitation location: Bailey-Love Mortuary in Huntington, Ind.
A memorial service and burial will be held at a later date.
Emmett Cox grew up in the Garnett UB church in Garnett, Kansas, and was converted in 1943. He graduated from Huntington College in 1951, and from its theological seminary in 1964. In 1969, he received a Masters in Missions from Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission in Pasadena, Calif. He was ordained in 1964.
He subsequently pastored several United Brethren churches:
- 1958-1960: Fredonia UB church (Muncie, Ind.).
- 1976-1984: Victory UB church (Burbank, Calif.).
- 1984-1985: First UB church (Lake Havasu City, Ariz.).
- 1985-1992: Willshire UB church (Willshire, Ohio).
From 1992-2003, he and Shirley served Six Mile Church, a non-UB congregation in Bluffton, Ind. In retirement, they also served short-term as volunteers in Myanmar.
Emmett and Shirley were married on August 14, 1948. Shirley is from the North Bruce UB church in Port Elgin, Ontario, and graduated from Huntington College in 1951 with a degree in Education. They have three children: son Douglas, daughter Darlene, and foster son Billy Simbo, from Sierra Leone.
Rodney Bittick
Posted at 08:54h, 15 JulyEmmett was a great influence on me in the early days of my ministry. I both rejoice for him and am saddened for his family.