Sept 24 Update on Dan Paternoster

Dan Paternoster

Dan Paternoster, who was struck by a car on August 28 while riding his bike, is making good progress. Here are recent excerpts posted to by Dan’s wife, Nancy. Dan, a veterinarian from the UB church in Fowlerville, Mich., is a member of denominational the Executive Leadership Team.

Thursday, Sept. 20. Wednesday was a busy and exhausting day. Dan was moved to rehab, which meant that we also moved with him. He is working with physical, occupational, and speech therapy twice each day, and this is wearing him out. Maybe he’ll start sleeping better at night now. (It’s so easy to get your days and nights mixed up in the hospital.) The current plan is for us to be here for 4-6 weeks, then possible further outpatient rehab in the Lansing area.

Friday, Sept. 21. Rehab is hard work, but we’re seeing progress! Yesterday and today were spent relearning how to walk. It’s not done for very long or without lots of assistance, but it IS happening. I’m sure it feels good to be moving again. Dan can still read well, but has a hard time recalling words. His speech therapist and his occupational therapist are both working on this. Dan can have visitors from 5:30-8 pm, but there’s no guarantee that he’ll be very awake then. His therapy sessions take up most of his day, every day, and are tiring him out.

Saturday, Sept. 22. Dan used a regular walker today! He still needed help, but walked much of his half hour therapy time. Today his trach tube was capped and he tolerated it well. Just a few more days of doing well this way and the trach will be removed. Dan was given ice chips to chew and swallow yesterday. Soon he’ll be tried on other foods to make sure that he won’t have trouble eating. If this goes well, the feeding tube will be removed.

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