30 Jul Pie-Throwing Helps Raise $825 from VBS Kids

Seated, l-r: Derek Bostick, Dan Henley, Jim Bolich, and Cherie Finkey. Photo by Matthew Ciccocioppo of the Shippensburg Sentinel.
Four members of the Prince Street church staff (Shippensburg, Pa.) took a pie in the face on July 18. It was all a belated part of the church’s Vacation Bible School, which this year used the theme “Amazing Wonders of Aviation.”
This year’s charity was a local food pantry. As an incentive, this year they offered to throw a pizza party for the kids if they met the goal. By day 3 of the 5-day VBS, the goal was met. So, to motivate them further, they told the kids that for each $100 raised, they would get to put a pie in the face of a church staffer. In this order:
- $200: Derek Bostick, vacation Bible school master of ceremonies.
- $300: Dan Henley, pastor of youth and worship ministries.
- $400: Jim Bolich, senior pastor.
- $500: Cherie Finkey, director of children’s ministries.
By the end of VBS, the kid had raised $825. Which meant four pies in four faces.
Who, among the 100 children attending, would get to throw the pies? They decided it would be the kids who brought the most friends to VBS.
Although VBS was held June 10-14, these four staffers wouldn’t all be together until July 18. So that’s when the pie-throwing occurred. The staffers sat in chairs on the sidewalk behind the church. Pies were thrown, and with each one, the children roared with laughter.
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