Jim Kendall Undergoes Heart Procedure

Last Thursday, February 2, Jim Kendall underwent a heart catheterization. He had been having some issues with his heart–partly with low sodium and electrolyte imbalance, which causes heart arrhythmia. Jim is a retired Michigan pastor living in Charlotte, Mich.

Everything went well. Jim reported, “I have no blockage, nor any evidence of a previous heart attack. I’m grateful to the Lord for the good report. Evidently, my heart arrhythmia was due to my electrolyte imbalance. Thankfully, my sodium level is now within its normal range. I still have to take it slow for a few days while the incision heals. They ‘sealed’ it with a new device, a plug, instead of using the old sandbags. The incision is still a bit sore and tender. The Lord is good, all the time.”

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