Canada Goes to Haiti: Day 2

Top: the entire team together (with Joan behind the camera). Bottom right: the guest house. Bottom left: Joan Sider and Pastor Wedemarc, a professional engineer.

Top: the entire team together (with Joan behind the camera). Bottom right: the guest house. Bottom left: Joan Sider and Pastor Wedemarc, a professional engineer.

A team of 8 persons from UB churches in Canada is in Haiti right now. Joan Sider, from New Hope church in Toronto, is sending back daily reports. Here is her report for Wednesday, February 1.

Our day began early–and nothing like a cold water shower to get you up and at it. The shower was good, but it is still a shock when that first cold water hits. I’m not complaining, just giving you the facts.

Everyone slept well, enjoying the coolness of our rooms with the AC. Speaking of temperature–January/February is the best time to come. It is mid-80s, but here in Gonaives, at this time of year there is a good breeze. It would be very hot on the construction site, if there were no breeze.

We had a good breakfast–scrambled egg and cheese sandwiches, coffee and juice. It was filling and delicious. Haiti-style egg McMuffin, I guess. We ate out on the patio and enjoyed the breeze indicating another good day weather-wise.

Another great day with lots accomplished. I spent the morning with Audrey and the quilting ladies. There were 7 in the first group and the remaining 3 groups had 12. One of the women knew how to use the sewing machine and so worked away at binding the quilts, won by one of the women each time–their names go in a hat and one is drawn. All the other women were given a sewing kit. The women enjoy the bright coloured material used in these kits. They were actually arguing over the kits this morning trying to get the brightest material ones.

There is a young man, Michel, who has been a great help to Audrey. He helps organize the ladies since he speaks English very well. It is a blessing to see a young man keen to serve the Lord by helping this way. I saw him actually doing a few ties on the quilt. We are expecially thankful to God for providing him. This leaves Michel to be with the men on the construction site.

We had a break for lunch and came back to the hotel. We had sandwiches and french fries. What a treat. The hotel manager, Fennel, is a very gracious host and bends over backwards to serve us. He also helps transport 1/2 of the group to the work sites.

I spent the afternoon at the church. It is so amazing to see language, which so often can be a barrier, being broken down with gestures, smiles, and other body language. It is sometimes like a game of charades. Bonding and relationships are developing between the Haitian workers and our men.

Today, there were 4 expert block layers, so our men supplied the mortar and blocks. They were able to complete 6 courses on all sides of the church. Preparation for the columns were started and the electric hand saw came in handy once some electricity was available. Hand sawing the boards here is hard work. The wood is so solid.

Pastor Richard and I had good opportunities to chat and discuss future plans in the various areas where we have churches. I also get to speak to several of the young men while they take short breaks. John, a young chap about 18 or so, wanted me to adopt him. I guess you know what my answer was–but I hope I did it gently.

We had a 4 course dinner tonight. Soup, salad, main dish–chicken, goat, rice and conch–then ending with dessert–yes, dessert–a fruit cup.

The team have decided that Gonaives is the place to do ministry. We feel so blessed to be able to stay here. Something that makes me enjoy it is that there are three cats–but I’m not making friends with them really, just observing them and missing my own.

The team were able to relax this evening while Pastor Wedemarc (finally, the correct spelling–straight from the man himself) and Pastor Richard and I went to visit a nearby church–long enough to meet the pastor and see part of the congregation who came for Bible study. I believe there may be some interest in this church becoming part of the Haitian UB family. The pastor will meet with Pastor Richard for further discussion on Friday.

Our debriefing time took place out on the patio and each contributed how they saw God today. As our faces differ, so did our experiences. We know God is with us and we are rejoicing in this another opportunity to fellowship with our Haitian friends–people we have known for such a short time, and yet feel like we’ve been friends for a long time.

The evening ended with the snack box finally getting brought out. It wasn’t that we needed more food!

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