Josh McKeown’s Book, “The Gift of Cancer”

A post on August 23 told about Josh McKeown’s struggle with leukemia since being diagnosed with a rare form, called Ph+CML, in November 2010. The article mentioned the book he wrote, called “The Gift of Cancer.” You can order a copy of the book at his website,

Josh writes of his leukemia diagnosis: “On that day my life changed and I could have retreated and given up but that’s not the type of life that God wants for us. I decided then and there that I wasn’t going to let cancer beat me. I was going to look at cancer as a gift from God that I can use for His glory. I don’t think God gave me cancer, but I do know that He is the God that heals. But right now He is choosing not to. The time that I have with this disease I am going to use to further His kingdom and minister through it with a positive attitude. I am trying to travel around and speak at churches and share my testimony.”

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