Julie Hendricks Breaks Kneecap…Again

Julie Hendricks fell on a humid bathroom tile Monday, July 26, breaking the same kneecap she broke last winter. She entered surgery at 8 pm Spain time (2 pm Ohio time), to repeat the same procedure with the same doctors.

Troy and Julie Hendricks and family are Global Ministries endorsed staff serving as church planters with SEND International in Spain.

Debbie, a SEND teammate, reports that Julie is doing well, and that she is not in as much pain as before; she was able to get medicated when needed.

An evangelistic campaign is underway in their city, and the Hendricks were an important part of it. Debbie writes: “We know God is sovereign, and wants to enter into the lives of those who live in this neighborhood. Julie’s main focus and request was that you stop and pray for her, of course…but that you NOT stop praying more so for the Campaign, team unity, the Spirit’s moving on this neighborhood as they hear the Gospel, and for our hearts to be constantly handed into his care.”

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