Update from the Reecks

Roger Reeck, UB endorsed missionary with Wycliffe, recently travelled to the Zapotec town in southern Mexico where they worked many years ago translating the Bible. Roger still speaks the language, and it was a great homecoming for him. He went to do a Storying workshop, and reported:

I had a great time in the San Juan Mixtepec with Meinardo, our Mexican son and his family.

Telling Bible stories (instead of reading them) has turned out to be an exciting new way to share God’s Word. Over 20 Zapotec Indians attended the workshop. They came each day to learn the stories and how to present them.

On Good Friday, they all climbed into the back of a big old truck and travelled to a nearby Zapotec town, San Andres. There, each one told the story they had memorized (all 18 of them). The stories started with the creation of the world and went through the story of Jesus and the cross, and then to the beginning of the church.

The team did a great job of telling the big story. Our friend Sergio accepted the Lord and everyone wants to keep on learning and telling stories. We praise God for how well everything went!

Roger and Marilyn met up in Texas, where they spoent a few days with their daughters Teresa and Elisa. Amanda was in Lima, Peru, for a few weeks with a research team, and oldest daughter Chrysti and her family were back in Honduras.

Roger and Marilyn are now on their way to Michigan, and will spent the next two months visiting churches in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ontario, and Maryland until the beginning of June. Then Marilyn will return to Honduras and Roger will travel to Israel to take an advanced Hebrew course.

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