PeaJay’s Place: Sunday Rewind 2.2.09

Jim Bolich, pastor of Prince Street Church (Shippensburg, Pa.), is preaching through Philemon. Paul wrote to Philemon, a wealthy man, about Onesiumus, a slave who stole something and then fled…and then became a Christian. Jim, on his blog, mentioned two principles. Here is the first one:

Principle 1: Don’t deny your problems; face them.

A lot of people go through life denying that their problems exist. It’s like holding a lit firecracker and telling yourself it isn’t going to blow up. But it will. And when it does, severe pain and destruction will happen.

So…what’s your problem? What’s the lit firecracker in your life? Onesimus took a handwritten letter back to the guy who had the authority to kill him, trusting God with the results. God intervened, and He can for us, too.

What’s your problem…the thing that threatens to overwhelm you? Whatever it is, give it a name. Quit denying the problem. Allow God to change your life. Face it, despite the potential consequences. And trust God with the outcome.

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