God Moves in Harrisburg, Pa.

I love getting emails that describe the movement of God in our churches. I received one this past week that warmed my heart. It came from Todd Fetters (right), pastor of Devonshire Church in Harrisburg, Pa. The email arrived July 3, and told about a wonderful service they had the Sunday before.

Our One Prayer emphasis ended Sunday with a climactic altar experience. The prayer I preached on was, “Lord, Make Us Thirsty.” Nearly 20 people came and knelt at the altar for an anointing service. Some came for physical healing. Others came for emotional and relational healing. Two couples came forward to have our four “elders” lay hands on them and pray for them to become “one.” When I invited others from the congregation to come up around those kneeling to support them in their anointing, those who came stood 3-4 deep.

Most dramatic was the man who came forward for physical healing. Before he would let me anoint him, he was adamant saying, “Before you anoint me, I must ask my brother ‘Milton’ (not his real name) to forgive me for my angry words and feelings towards himĀ over the past several years.” And, then he looked at “Milton” who was beside me. There I was, on my knees, intertwined with these two men as they were on their knees embracing and speaking words of authentic sin-admission and eager forgiveness. I could actually feel their reconciliation. WOW!

When you have good stories to tell, please send them to me. I’m always thrilled to hear what God is doing in our churches.

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