Three Steps Toward Change

We need to be change agents in our churches. Change involves a three-step process:

  1. Here’s where we are.
  2. Here’s where we want to be.
  3. The neutral zone in the middle. What you go through to get where you want to be.

The neutral zone is a tricky area. Change is occurring, but it hasn’t become fully implemented in people’s hearts and minds.

People may say, “Yeah, we’ll try that for a while to see if it works.”

No, that’s the wrong attitude. You do it because it’s what God called you to do.

The management of change occurs in the neutral zone. The problem is that you are implementing change, but a lot of stuff you left behind is clamoring for your attention. The challenge is to not get so tied up with what you’re leaving behind that you don’t get to where you want to go.

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