16 Jan “Messiah” Highlights at Daytona UB
Jennie Bishop, a member of the praise team at Daytona UB church (Holly Hill, Fla.), sent this report about Christmas at First UB church:
“The Daytona UB church honored our Lord and Savior this Christmas season during each Sunday morning of Advent with a special song, a special music selection, and a narrative presentation. During the first three Sundays of Advent, our Praise Team sang a special song called ‘Messiah,’ and they also sang a special music selection. The song ‘Messiah’ was written by one of our church members who also wrote and coordinated the narrative readings. During the singing of ‘Messiah,’ four ladies wore robes of righteousness and walked down the main sanctuary aisle toward the front of the church where an adorned crown was placed at the manger in the nativity scene. After the singing, a narrative reading was done by several members of the Praise Team.
“Each Sunday during the singing of ‘Messiah,’ the congregation was instructed to write in a crown-shaped image on a piece of paper what they were willing to do for Christ this Advent season. The emphasis was on our willingness to serve Christ, and all written cards were kept anonymous as each church member placed their ‘Crown of Willingness’ on the alter. Prayer requests were also written on crown-shaped pieces of paper and placed on the altar. After each service, the willingness cards were collected and placed into the adorned crown that was laid at the manger.
“During the last Sunday of Advent, while singing ‘Messiah’ the cards of willingness were collected and placed into a crown of thorns which was placed before baby Jesus in the manger. Laying a crown of thorns signified that without the birth of Christ, there would be no salvation for mankind. In closing the service on that last Sunday of Advent, the congregation held lit candles while the Praise Team sang ‘There is Peace in the World Tonight,’ after which a flute and guitar duet played ‘Silent Night.’
Below is a music MP3 file for the song “Messiah” (Lyrics written by DJ Muller, performed by Edie Shadle, and recorded and produced by Matt McKeown of Sound Mind Productions).