23 Jan Musings from the HU Board of Trustees
At the Huntington University trustee meeting last week, Dave Engbrecht, Pastor of Nappanee Missionary Church, was the devotional speaker. One thing he said was very thought provoking: “Whenever memories are greater than your future, you’re writing your last chapter.”
Wow! Does that hit you like it hit me? I have been in some churches that seem to be writing their last chapter. Could it be that it is partly due to living in the past? Our past is something to be celebrated, especially if it is positive, but to try to live there denies the reality of a preferred future. You see, I believe that where God is taking us is always better than where we’ve been. Because God has a preferred future for me that begins with my decisions today.
Memories, I am glad for all my memories. But as good as they have been, I think the memories made in the future will be even better. Maybe one reason we are willing to live with the past is that the future does demand a price to be paid and it is always easier not to pay the price. But the result is to miss the glorious future of tomorrow.
As a church are our memories of the past greater than the future? In some places I think so…In some places they are writing their final chapter. I do not want that to be true of me. Where He is taking me is always better than where I’ve been!