September 28, 2004

Korean pastors from several states and from Canada helped celebrate the launch of a new Korean church in Findlay.

Veterans from the Korean War were treated to an authentic Korean meal.
The Forever Love Korean Church, which meets in the First UB church of Findlay, Ohio, held its installation service on Monday, September 27. Korean pastors from California, New Jersey, New York, Indiana, Ontario, and Toronto came to celebrate the new church. Services included a dedication of the new church and installation of new members. The church also invited the Korean War Veterans from Findlay to join in a time of fellowship and an authentic Korean meal. Thirty war veterans from the First UB and the surrounding community came and enjoyed the meal. The Forever Love Korean Church plans to honor veterans again during Veterans Day in November.
The Forever Love Korean Church is now in discussion with the denomination on becoming a “preaching point,” which is one step toward becoming a new UB church.