Praying for UB Church and Missionaries

On Monday and Wednesday mornings, the Healthy Ministry Resources staff starts the day at 7 a.m. with a devotional time. We share updates from our lives, and from things we’ve heard across the church. The persons who travel a lot usually bring back stories from the churches and mission fields they visit. Phone calls and emails bring additional information.

We read from a devotional book, which this year has been Robert J. Morgan’s “From This Verse.” Then we pray.

Each day, we pray for a United Brethren church or missionary. This week it happens to be two churches in Maryland:

  • Brooklyn Park UB in Baltimore (John Christophel, pastor).
  • Bethany House of the Lord in Cumberland (Michael Mudge, pastor).

We’ve been doing this for over a decade. The national office staff exists for our churches, and praying for you is one way we keep that mission central.

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