Christmas: A Story of Three Bicycles

sites_annetteAnnette Sites sent this report about Christmas activities at Jerusalem Chapel (Churchville, Va.). Her husband, Denny, is the pastor.

After months of practices and hard work, the children and youth shared a wonderful musical entitled “The Christmas Carol.” The musical was loosely based on the traditional “Scrooge” story, but this one spoke of making the most of what we have and sharing the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ with others.

As a part of the process of teaching those children who were a part of the musical, Velma “Beanie” Griffin, encouraged the children to find out what true giving was really all about. How? Well, one of the props that was needed for the musical was a bicycle (which was also a topic of discussion in the musical).

Rather than just have the church buy a new bike for a prop, this creative director had the children participate in a bake sale to raise funds for the bicycle. Then, after the presentation, the bicycle would be donated to a needy child.
The children raised enough money to buy two bikes. A third bike was donated by one of the children. And, by God’s grace, a needy family was presented to Mrs. Griffin and guess what they wanted? The family had three children, and each had asked for just one thing for Christmas: a bicycle!

What a blessing for these children to receive an answer to their Christmas wish, but also for our children to see how God can work through us as we seek to serve Him. We are blessed to have some very generous and loving children as a part of our church family–and adults and parents who are willing to help them grow up in their faith!

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