50 Years in the Pastorate

On September 28, Bob Staup celebrated 50 years in the pastorate. He started pastoring in 1958. He is currently pastor of Mt. Pleasant UB church in Angola, Ind. He previously served these churches:

  • Indiana: Union Chapel (Fort Wayne), South Scipio (Harlan), Hudson (Hudson), Corunna (Corunna).
  • Ohio: Nettle Lake and Mt. Pleasant.

The congregation held a surprise celebration for Bob and his wife, Joann. Writes Devon Strine, “The church was full with family and friends from the various churches he has served. Testimonies were shared from Bobs ministry and lives that were touched for God. There were specials, and cards in honor of his 50 yrs. It was a complete surprise to both Bob and his wife Joan seeing old friends from years past.”

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