Steve Dennie, Communications Director

United Brethren churches need to know about Clear Elevation, a high quality design firm co-owned by Huntington University. They set up a page just for UB churches.

Need a new website? A professional logo? A nice brochure or bulletin? A church video? A Facebook page? Consider Clear Elevation. They are good–very good. They operate from a Christ-centered philosophy. And a cut of the profits goes to support Huntington University, our denomination’s college.

clearelevation600Clear Elevation began in 2013 as the first HU Venture, a for-profit subsidiary of Huntington University. The managing partners are Nate and Julie Reusser, both of whom attended Huntington University. They also head Reusser Design, a web development agency which has seen dramatic growth during its 10+ years in the industry.

With Clear Elevation, the Reussers are excited to help small business owners and nonprofits with their various creative needs–websites, social media, graphic design, illustration, etc. Clear Elevation strives to generate high-quality, quick-turnaround projects for lower costs.

You can see examples of their work on their website. Contact them for a quote. It may or may not fit your budget, but at least get them on your radar. Account exec Amy Mattox will be happy to talk to you about what they can do.

NoReena Elizabeth Eagle, 69, passed away on May 17, 2015, in Mt. Pleasant, Mich. She was the wife of Rev. George Eagle, senior pastor of the Harrison UB church in Harrison, Mich.

Viewing time: 1:30 – 4:30 pm Sunday, May 31, 2015.
Funeral time: 1:30 Sunday, May 31, 2015.
Funeral and viewing location: Eagle Church of God, 7087 East Dover Road, Clare, MI 48617.

Did you know there are more people learning English as a new language than there are people who speak English as their first language?

For many churches, teaching English to internationals is an exploding ministry opportunity. Many Christians want training to provide this English teaching, but don’t know where to turn.

Huntington University’s Institute for TESOL Studies is a place to turn. Specifically, July 20 – August 7, 2015.

You can earn certification to teach English as a foreign language in just three weeks, beginning on July 20. Join HU for this affordable and convenient intensive course on TESOL methodology, training, and practice.

For more details, contact Shoshannah McKinney by email or by calling 260-359-4296.

Bishop Phil Whipple speaking to the group in Sunfield, Mich.

Bishop Phil Whipple speaking to the group in Sunfield, Mich.

In Sunfield, Mich.

In Sunfield, Mich.

Bishop Phil Whipple presenting the proposals in Willshire, Ohio.

Bishop Phil Whipple presenting the proposals in Willshire, Ohio.

On May 18 and 19, regional meetings were held in Michigan and Ohio as a prelude to national conference. Pastors and others interacted over several proposals which will come before the US National Conference, which meets July 15-18 in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Bishop Phil Whipple presented a new statement on Cohabitation, which was developed by the Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team.

Cohabitation is an unmarried, unrelated couple living together. Cohabitation circumvents God’s plan for family life by simulating the marriage relationship without the covenantal commitments associated with marriage (Genesis 2:18). Even when celibacy is intended, cohabitation increases the temptation for sexual sin and fails to avoid the appearance of evil (1 Corinthians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:22). Members must avoid cohabitation prior to marriage. We urge our leaders to teach and counsel about the hazards of cohabitation. We also recognize that there may be situations in which a platonic, cohabitating relationship may be necessary, such as a caregiver-patient relationship.

Another proposal from the PMLT would create a centralized UB Ministerial Association, which satisfies a variety of practical problems concerning retired and inactive ministers.

A third proposal, from the Executive Leadership Team, would increase term-length from two years to four years, and would institute staggered terms (so that only half of the elected members would be chosen every two years).

A fourth proposal would eliminate the provision in the Discipline for nominating candidates for bishop from the floor of the National Conference.

On Monday, May 18, about 25 people met at the Sunfield UB church in Sunfield, Mich. Bishop Whipple presented the above proposals and led a discussion time about them. Then Jeff Reser, senior pastor of the East Washington UB church (Ashley, Mich.), presented a new proposal dealing with same-sex marriage. It emphasized providing legal protections to pastors. There was considerable discussion about his proposal.

The next day, about 25 people met at Praise Point UB church in Willshire, Ohio. All of the proposals, including the new one from Jeff Reser, were presented to the group. The same-sex marriage proposal didn’t receive as much discussion, but a new issue arose: removing the requirement that ministers totally abstain from consuming alcohol. In 2005, we removed the requirement that laypersons abstain from drinking alcohol, and there has been some desire to do the same for ministers. However, this idea has not been put forward as an actual proposal.

When the proposals are in final form, they will be published on the website.

One more regional meeting remains: 7-9pm on Monday, June 8, at the UB church in Lancaster, Ohio.

L-r: Jim Olinger, Elliott Ripley, Paul Burrus, Michael Seiel, Matt Coppess, Bob Bruce.

L-r: Jim Olinger, Elliott Ripley, Paul Burrus, Michael Seigel, Matt Coppess, Bob Bruce.

Bob Bruce teaching the May 20 class.

Bob Bruce teaching the May 20 class.

Five persons are attending a one-day UB Church History course at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). Bob Bruce, pastor of Spiritual Care at Emmanuel, is teaching the course, which is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren church.

The attendees are:

  • Paul Burrus, pastor of Corunna UB church (Corunna, Ind.).
  • Michael Seigel, youth pastor of Corunna UB church (Corunna, Ind.).
  • Elliott Ripley, youth director of Monroe UB church (Monroe, Ind.).
  • Jim Olinger, Connections Pastor at Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.).
  • Matt Coppess, pastor of Family Ministries at Heart O the Lakes UB church (Brooklyn, Mich.).

teachers600Through Global Ministries connections, there is a unique opportunity for a few people with high school teaching experience (preferably five years or more) to spend nearly four weeks in China this summer training Chinese high school English teachers. The dates: July 9 – August 3.

All expenses are paid with a weekly stipend. Experience working with English Language Learners is preferred. Contact Global Ministries for more details before these opportunities are gone!

Email: [email protected]
Toll-free: 888.622.3019


Ignite a passion for God and His mission!

Ignite 2015 is a one-day get-away to grow in knowledge of God’s mission. Join Global Ministries for inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops, intimate fellowship, and moving worship focused on God and His mission around the world.

August 29, 2015 starting at 8 a.m.
Blue Gate Garden Inn
Shipshewana, Ind.


You can register in two ways:

  • Online. Use the registration form.
  • Call1.888-622-3019 or 1.260-356-2312.

Early registration: $45 (ends May 29). Regular registration: $65 (ends August 10)
Registration includes lunch on August 29. It does NOT include overnight hotel reservation.


If you will be staying overnight before the conference, contact the Blue Gate Garden Inn at 1.800-545-4725. Free full breakfast and wifi included. Mention that you are a part of the “UB Mission Conference.” Rooms are guaranteed only until July 30, unless they sell out for the Ignite conference. August is peak tourist season, so rooms may not be available beyond July 30.

About Shipshewana

Close to one million people are drawn to picturesque Shipshewana every year. You will find memorable shows, over 150 specialty shops, delicious restaurants. Shipshewana is the third-largest Amish community in America. It is the only Indiana site listed in the book 1,000 Places to See Before You Die.

Regional meetings are being held as a prelude to this summer’s national conference. They will give pastors and laypersons a chance to interact about some proposals which will come before the conference, and to hear updates on happenings across the denomination.
One meeting occurred this morning (May 11), in Chambersburg, Pa. Two more will occur next week:

  • Monday, May 18, at the UB church in Sunfield, Mich., 9am – noon.
  • Tuesday, May 19, at Praise Point Church in Willshire, Ohio, 1-4 pm.

An addition meeting has been set for Monday, June 8. It will be held 7-9 pm at Lancaster UB church in Lancaster, Ohio.

Paul Ross 98, passed away on Sunday, May 3, in Van Wert, Ohio. He was the father of Don Ross, pastor of Victory Chapel UB church in Liberty Center, Ohio. The funeral was held May 6.

Address for Don Ross:

Donald P. Ross
U696 County Road 8
Liberty Center, OH 43532

We learned today of the death of Mary Carter, who is the mother of Rev. Al Carter, pastor of First UB in Columbus, Ohio. She had been ill for the past few weeks. Al and his wife, Linda, were visiting with her in Michigan.

Mary Carter and her husband, Ken, were missionaries in Sierra Leone 1969-1971. They served in Mattru, where he did maintenance and she served as hostess in that area. They were from New Hope UB church in Camden, Mich.

Visitation: Sunday, May 10, 5-8 pm.
Visitation location: George White Funeral Home, 403 S Main St, Reading, Mich.
Funeral: 11 am Monday, May 11.
Funeral location: New Hope UB Church, 501 W Montgomery Rd, Camden, Mich.