08 Sep The Denomination and Katrina
People continue asking about Hurricane Katrina relief efforts by the United Brethren church. United Brethren people have a history of responding with funds and as volunteers when disaster strikes. When hurricanes hit Florida, we worked through our UB churches there providing relief. After the tsunami last December, we worked through our workers in India. Because we do not have any close United Brethren connections in the area that has been hit by Katrina, we are referring people to other reputable organizations that are able to mobilize this relief effort. Several reputable organizations are listed below, on a post made August 31. We’d like to add one.
Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian relief organization led by Rev. Franklin Graham, is helping to facilitate groups of people who want to help Hurricane Katrina victims repair their damaged roofs and clean up their properties. Their website is www.samaritan.org. This is the same organization that many UB churches have partnered with in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
Here is the note on their website: “Perhaps your church or group would like to send a work crew. We need groups of at least five individuals. The minimum age is 18. Construction skills are helpful but not necessary. If you are interested, call the Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief staff at (828) 262-1980 or email [email protected].”