Tom Blaylock, Director of Church Multiplication

Recently, while out on a hunting trip in northern Michigan, I saw a rare and beautiful sight — a bald eagle in flight. The very first time I saw a bald eagle was on that same hunting trip a few years earlier, when an eagle swooped down to grab one of our duck decoys. In my excitement, I spun around and shouldered my shotgun before realizing the true identity of this over-sized Mallard. (That day I thanked God for my hunter’s safety course mantra; “always identify the target before firing.”) As I lowered my shotgun and watched the eagle flare and with a few strokes of its powerful wings soar out of sight, I was moved by the beauty and strength that God has designed into this creature.

I was reminded of that familiar passage in Isaiah 40:31 that says, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Bill Easum's Unfreezing MovesSomeone recommended to me the book by Bill Easum, Unfreezing Moves. It is not a brand new book, having been published in 2001, but it is worth reading. While I do not agree with everything Easum says, I found the book to be challenging and worth the time to read it. Reading it is the simple thing to do. Acting on what it teaches is not so simple.

The book’s focus is on helping readers identify their church as “stuck or unstuck” and then give the prescriptions needed to become “unstuck” as a congregation and follow Jesus into the mission field.
Chapter two, “The Systems Story,” is a particularly good chapter if you have never thought about the systems that are in a church. But section two, “Unfreezing Moves,” where Easum takes 9 moves that a church needs to make in order to become unfrozen, was worth the price of the book.

My heart aches when I go out to many of our churches and find them controlled by people who are carnal at best, who just want to control everybody and everything. That, by the way, may be the pastor as well as the people.

Many of our churches have been and are being choked to death by unspiritual controllers. I used to say, “O but they mean well,” but I’ve changed my tune. I am not sure they mean well at all; they just want their own way and control. If they meant well, they would be willing to look at their ministry area as a mission field, themselves as missionaries. and be wiling to move heaven and earth to see lost people come to Jesus. Sad to say, but most controllers are not even interested in seeing lost people come to Jesus. They are only interested in controlling the status quo.

We need leaders with the courage to lead in new directions. If you think you are one, then reading this book, especially Part Two, will give a good overview of what your task is. If you are one of those leaders and you decide to challenge the status quo, I will be your biggest cheerleader.

Pat Jones, Mark Ralph, and I spent this past weekend at Banner of Christ UB church in Grand Rapids, Mich., conducting our first Church Consultation Weekend. The initial response was very positive. These consultation weekends are a crucial part of the Strategic Transition Plan developed to transition our churches into becoming healthy, vibrant congregations that are missional in mindset with an outward focus on reaching lost people in our communities. While I realize that the consultation weekend is just the first step in the process, it is an important first step that gives a congregation a snapshot of where they are, where they want to be, and a roadmap for the journey.

This consultation weekend is not–and I repeat, not–something that we require for all of our churches. It is not a program you must buy. Rather, it is a service we provide to any church that desires our help in evaluating where they are, where they want to be, and the steps to get there. So, any of our churches that want such a service may contact my office and we can discuss further what is required and a time frame.

Right now, the consultation team is myself, Pat Jones, and your cluster leader (Mark Ralph, pastor of the UB church in Sunfield, Mich., is Banner of Christ’s cluster leader). Both Pat and I received training to conduct these weekends, and in January we will expose all of our cluster leaders to some initial training in the process.

A second consultation is already scheduled for another Michigan church. Again, this is entirely a service we provide to our churches. Some churches may never need such a service, and that is great and fine. But others might see some real benefit from it. I’d be happy to talk with you.

But here is the bottom line: whether or not you schedule a consultation weekend is not an issue with me. Seeing our churches become healthy, missional, with an outward focus in reaching their community–that is a serious issue with me. What I want from our churches is not the issue, either, but what God wants. And he has told us what that is: make disciples (Matt. 28:16-20) by evangelizing, educating, and enlisting. If this office can help you become engaged in this great task, all you need to do is ask!

This afternoon I am attending the first of four seminars scheduled for HU’s new program in worship leadership. The seminar will bring together senior pastors and worship pastors “to encourage greater mutual understanding between the roles and personalities that are mutually dependent on each other” (quote from a letter announcing the seminar). So I have been giving some thought to worship.

Here is some of what I believe abut worship.

First, it is always for an audience of One. Regardless of the size of the congregation, whether one or thousands, the audience of the worship is still just One. The audience is always God! It is for His benefit, for His pleasure. It is not about me, it is all about Him. Yet when I have been privy to worship wars, it is amazing how much of the argument is about what “I” want, what are “my” preferences, and what makes “me” feel good. Not a lot of thought about God in all of that.

Now, we all have our own preferences, and that is fine. But when we presume that our preferences are also God’s preferences, I think we have pushed our preferences too far. So we argue about our preferences, things like whether or not there should be drums in the sanctuary, or electric guitars, or a Praise band. Is drama okay, or video clips from who knows where?

Should we sing the Doxology or do responsive readings, project song lyrics on a screen or use hymnbooks? Or should we _____ (you fill n the blank). The argument about worship becoming entertainment is a shallow one as well. Worship is all about entertainment! Not for our entertainment, but His!

Now, if God truly is the audience of One, don’t you think He ought to have a “dog in the fight” so to speak? Don’t you think we ought to seek what God wants? “Yeah, and just how do you suppose we are to find that out, come on,” you may say. Well, what about searching the Scriptures? For example, what is worship like in Heaven? You can get a glimpse of it in the book of Revelation in those scenes of what happens around the throne. Go back and read those passages and ask yourself whether any of that resembles your worship. Worship is much more than which instruments we play or what songs we sing or whether or not we use hymnals. Worship is really about engaging with God and doing worship for His benefit. Worship is not primarily for me, it is for Him because He is worthy. We do act and talk sometimes like worship is really about me and for me.

Second, I believe that if a local church does not truly engage God in worship on a regular basis, that church will become very inward focused. When we begin to focus so much on what “I’ want in worship, that selfish attitude carries over into other areas of church ministry, such as, say, evangelism. You will never see people around you as “lost” until you see God in His majesty and holiness. Don’t believe me, check out Isaiah 6. Our empty altars and baptismal pools attest to our lack of truly engaging God in our worship.

Third, I believe that true worship is for the corporate Body as it gathers together, but it is also for me as an individual. There is power when the Body joins together in true worship. I am energized by my brothers and sisters as we engage God together. But I can also engage God in true worship individually. True worship is why I was created, to enjoy God and worship Him forever.

I’ve talked a lot in the past about our need to be outward focused. I still believe that. But engaging God in true worship may be the very first step to becoming outward focused.

The conference council of Central Conference met Saturday, November 18, to sign the papers to officially dissolve the conference effective January 1, 2007. The annual conference voted in July 2005 to disband, but couldn’t do so until the conference was dismissed from a lawsuit. The conference council was authorized to take care of any business in the meantime.

In September, the conference was dismissed from that lawsuit (which involves the Good Shepherd UB church in Greenfield, Ohio), and Superintendent Tom Brodbeck quickly took the steps needed to dissolve.
Several items of business needed to be handled by the conference council:

  • Legal papers were signed to make Camp Cotubic (Bellefontaine, Ohio) an independent entity (as has been done with the former Mid-Atlantic Conference and Michigan Conference camps). There will be two separate corporations: one to be a holding company for the property, the other to handle operations.
  • The Center for Church Planting in Central Ohio (CCPCO) will continue to function. The title to the property at Kettering, Ohio, once a UB church, was transferred to the CCPCO. Another church has been meeting there since 1985, having purchased the property for $256,000. They still owe $120,000, and pay $2000 a month. Payments will now go to the CCPCO.
  • The Harwood Loan Fund, which has provided ministerial scholarships since the 1960s, will be used to establish a $10,000 scholarship at Huntington University. Superintendent Brodbeck will take care of setting this up.
  • The council distributed other cash assets, including $3000 to Laurel Mission, $7000 to Camp Cotubic, and $2500 to Scioto Youth Camp.

Huntington University work dayOn October 21, Huntington University students plunged into the community for the annual Fall Work Day, a tradition since 1996. Volunteers divide into groups, usually by dormitory floors, and are assigned a location and project.

Huntington University work dayFall Work Day has averaged about 425 volunteer hours a year. This year’s 222 volunteers, up from 186 in 2005, gave 777 hours of community service. One group went to Huntington’s Head Start to help with yard work–pulling weeds and raking leaves. Another group went to the YMCA to assist with organizing and cleaning rooms. Nichole Wolf (right), a freshman educational ministries major, took donations for the Boot Shake, a Red Cross fundraiser. Maggie McWilliams (left), a freshman elementary education major from Franklin, Ind., helped with cleaning at Good Shepherd UB church.

Community organizations and individuals who need help contact the college’s Joe Mertz Center. The JMC, a student-directed organization founded in 1992, has become an integral part of campus life. More than 70 percent of resident students are involved in some form of volunteer service, and more than 10,000 hours of labor are contributed by the campus community each year.

We lifetime churchgoers have our own lingo, with inside-the-Bible-Beltway terminology seldom used beyond the church walls. And some words, though they get used in the secular world, adopt a slightly different connotation when used in a church context. We all know that, but ingrained speech habits are hard to break.

Last Friday I attended a Communications workshop at Granger Community Church. Since they focus laser-like on unchurched people, they force themselves to use language which the world understands. Now, I don’t think it’s worthwhile to get too uptight about this stuff, but it is worthwhile to be sensitive to it. So, here are some terms they avoid at Granger, and how they replace them.

Churchy Word Replace With…
Fellowship Community
Intimacy Connection
Ministry Group
Target Guest or visitor
Go deeper Next step
Need Opportunity
Program Experience
Maturity Growth
Recruit Invite
Pulpit Platform
Sanctuary Auditorium
Foyer or vestibule Lobby

I was reminded of this a few months ago when I attended a funeral at a Lutheran church. They used terms like “chancel” that weren’t part of my church experience, and I felt like an outsider. Yes, I was an outsider. But a church shouldn’t remind someone of that. We need to help people feel comfortable, find ways to put them in their comfort zone. As Kem Meyer said in the workshop, a person’s comfort zone may be behind a cup of coffee or sitting in front of multimedia. But much of what we do in churches does not make an outsider feel comfortable. We don’t inflict this discomfort intentionally; we’re not thoughtless or cruel. We just keep stumbling into our familiar ruts, and kinda forget where other people are.

Thinking about the words we use is a nice start in helping visitors feel comfortable in our midst.

saints never surrender

Saints Never Surrender. Tony Biard is on the far left.

The Fort Wayne News-Sentinel newpaper published an online article about the concerts held at Anchor Community Church once or twice a month, with a couple hundred kids usually showing up. It includes a bunch of photos.

Tony Biard, a member of Anchor, heads up the concerts. He is also lead singer for the Christian hardcore band “Saints Never Surrender.” The band was recently signed by Blood & Ink Records.

HealingtheHeart.jpgIn the last post I mentioned the idea of a corporate time of prayer and confession for sins of the past in our church. Well, I was directed to a great resource, a book by Dr. Kenneth Quick titled, Healing the Heart of Your Church. Some of you might be interested in reading it for the insights it could provide for your local church situation. The publisher is Church Smart. You could order it direct from them or you could order it from our bookstore here. It is worth the read and will give you some insights as to why I possibly began to think about such a time at the National Conference 2007.

Been gone a lot during the last of October and so far in November…but I did want to let you know about the book and in case I don’t “see” you before, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. One of the things I will miss this year is the annual Thanksgiving Eve Communion and Baptism service we had each year at Main Street. Those were some of my favorite services of the year. EJ and I will most likely travel to Wheaton to visit our daughter and her family. Looking forward to that.

Bethel Band in Honduras

The Bethel Band performing in the Central America Marching Band competition.

The Bethel School Marching Band took first place as Overall Best Band in the recent Central America Marching Band Competition. Bands from seven countries participated. David Raudales and his father, Honduran Superintendent Francisco Raudales, are the band directors.

The Bethel School is an educational extension of Honduras Conference, with several thousand students in La Ceiba, Honduras. Maira Raudales, Francisco’s wife, is principal of the high school.