15 Aug Worship4Life Seminar – August 24-25
A “Worship4Life weekend” will be held August 24-25 (Friday and Saturday) at Emmanuel Community Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. The event features John Chisum, an Integrity usic worship artist, songwriter, music publisher and producer, and instructor with the Integrity Worship Institute.
The weekend begins on Friday night with a concert by John Chisum at 7 pm. Then on Saturday, from 9 am to 3 pm, he will lead three workshops:
- Worship4Life: the Power of Personal Praise and Worship.
- The Word on Worship: Reclaiming Our Biblical Heritage in a Post-Modern World.
- Com Expecting Jesus: The Pursuit of Authentic Corporate Worship
The cost is $5 for the concert, and $8 for both the concert and conference. Emmanuel prefers that people call for tickets andpick them up the day of the event.