Pastor Esdras, one of our Guatemalan pastors, was seriously injured several years ago. His injuries left him confined to a wheelchair. His wheelchair is his only means of travel, and constant trips up and down the hill to his church and visits to his parishioners have taken their toll on the chair. He needs a heavy-duty motorized wheelchair. Cost: $2000. If you or your church could underwrite this expense, please contact Donna Hollopeter in Global Ministries by email ([email protected]) or by calling toll-free 888-622-3019.

Rev. Carlson Becker, and his wife, Naomi (right), have been serving in the role of English speaking pastor at Living Stone Church on Taipa, Macau (adjacent to southern China), along with working with the English Language Program. Their three-year term ends this summer.

Living Stone Church has inquired about another person or couple coming to follow for the Beckers for an additional three-year term. This would allow Living Stone to continue its international ministry, and would give our Chinese co-worker, Michael Chan, additional time for his studies.

Global Ministries is looking for an individual/or couple with experience in ministry, who can provide sound biblical preaching, offer ministry mentoring to Michael Chan, and perhaps have some involvement in the English Language Program or other ministry opportunities. Persons interested would need to raise their support by partnering with churches and individuals in North America.

For more details, contact Donna Hollopeter at Global Ministries by email ([email protected]) or by calling toll-free 888-622-3019.

“Leading Change: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century Church,” is the title of the next continuing education class being offered through the Ecclesiastes Institute, a ministry of Rhodes Grove Camp in Chambersburg, Pa. The class will be led by Anthony Blair, dean of Academic Affairs at Easter College (Philadelphia, Pa.) and a UB minister, and Jo Ann Kunz, a member of the pastoral staff of Hosanna Christian Fellowship. The text Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church, will be used as a tool and is available to purchase through Rhodes Grove. A buffet lunch will be provided by the camp.

Date: Monday, February 9, 2008
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

The classes are offered in partnership with Lancaster Bible College and qualify for a .5 CEU rating and an accompanying certificate.

Donna Hollopeter has been named Acting Director of Global Ministries. Gary Dilley, the director since 2001, is resigning to become senior pastor of College Park UB church in Huntington, Ind. Donna joined the Global Ministries staff in 1993 as Executive Secretary of the Women’s Missionary Fellowship. Her title more recently has been Associate Director of Global Ministries.

It was reported on December 12 that Jean Bell, a UB endorsed missionary in Brazil serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators, was hospitalized with a serious blood disorder.

Donna Hollopeter, Acting Director of Global Ministries, sent this note: “I just received an email from Dave Spencer with an update on Jean. Until last evening, Jean had continued to be in the hospital and on dialysis. She is extremely weak but the doctors believe the antibiotics are working and that the blood disease/infection is getting much better.

“One of the doctors returned to the hospital last evening and decided to go against the recommendations of the other doctors by telling Jean she could go home. All of her other doctors had said she needed to have three straight days of normal test results–she only had one. The doctor last evening was satisfied with that and signed her out of the hospital. She is still requiring dialysis and has to be taken every other day for that.

“Wes has asked for prayer that Jean will continue to gain strength and that this unexpected discharge from the hospital was not premature.”

Wes and Jean Bell are endorsed UB missionaries serving in Brazil with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Jean has a very serious blood disorder that has resulted in her kidneys shutting down and necessitating dialysis. It’s a very serious situation. Please pray for Jean’s health.

In early October, an urgent call to prayer was sent to the denominational email list for Cheryl Leighton, wife of Joe Leighton, pastor of Salem Chapel UB in Junction City, Ohio. On September 4 she went into the hospital, experiencing some problems, and cancer was discovered. Her condition was extremely critical. Reports were published here on October 9 and November 2.

On December 4, Joe Leighton sent the following report about Cheryl.

“After weeks and now months of setbacks and discouraging news, I am glad to be able to share some glad tidings. They were able to successfully tap Cheryl’s lung today and removed 1200 cc of fluid. This will dramatically improve her breathing and will help her gain the strength that she needs in order to take full advantage of her physical therapy. This was a last ditch effort because of the risk of her lung collapsing for a second time. She sailed right through it without incident, and she was resting easily when I left the hospital today. In addition, her level of nutrition is improving. They changed the formula and removed iron from her diet, and she is no longer getting sick, but is processing all of it through her digestive system; and they have raised the feeding input from 30 cc/hr to 55 cc/hr (the target is 70 cc/hr).

“It appears that dialysis is becoming permanent, but it is down to three days per week for 3.5 hours at a time. Her filtering system is still impaired. While less than ideal, it is certainly something to which she can adapt and have a good quality of life.

“Cheryl completed her fourth round of chemotherapy on November 30. Her final two sessions are scheduled for December 21 and January 11. On November 23 they did a specialized CT scan and our daughter called with the results about an hour ago. There is no evidence of the cancer in her chest and under her arms. It is gone! We praise and thank God for that! We won’t know about the pelvis or the bone marrow until after her January treatment, when they will perform another type of diagnostic exam. But for now the chemotherapy is having the desired effect. If the exam in January is clear, then Cheryl has the option of using her own marrow for a transplant, and remission should be achieved at that point. At best, Cheryl only had a 60% chance for remission, and her impaired health further reduced those odds. But it appears that she is on her way toward achieving that very thing and we are grateful for these reports and for what has been accomplished thus far! There are still the matters for the need for oxygen, the trache, and the dropfoot, but these are a lot easier to face with the momentum that is now being realized in these other areas.

“Thank you for the cards, prayers, and encouraging words–those things along with God’s grace have sustained us and enabled us to get to this point. It is good to see that the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t an oncoming freight train after all.”

Ruth MerillatHuntington University honored the 178 Merillat Scholars at a dinner on November 6. The founders of the scholarship were represented by Dr. Ruth Merillat of Adrian, Mich. (right) and her son Dr. Richard Merillat of Naples, Fla.

The Merillat Scholar award is a scholarship primarily for students in these categories:

  • United Brethren in Christ Church members
  • Children of Huntington University alumni
  • Students involved in Youth for Christ in high school at the Student Leader level.

Since the Merillat Scholar award began in the fall of 1994, almost $10 million has been given to more than 1000 students. The first Merillat class consisted of 29 recipients.

A $2500 scholarship is awarded to students who have a 2.7 high school cumulative grade point average and a minimum 900 SAT or 19 ACT. An additional $1500 scholarship is awarded to students who have a 3.2 cumulative GPA and a minimum 1000 SAT or 21 ACT, for a total scholarship of $4000.

The Merillat Scholar program is also in the second year of stacking award categories. So, for example, a student who is a member of the United Brethren in Christ Church and also a child of an alumni would receive an extra $1000. If they also happen to be a Youth for Christ student leader, they would receive an extra $500 on top of that for a total of $1500 in additional aid. The Merillat Scholar award is not based on financial need.