The Mount Zion United African Church (Philadelphia, Pa.) celebrated 15 years of service to the city’s African community on October 25. This congregation, which includes a number of immigrants from Sierra Leone, is pastored by Joe Abu.

Beauty and the BestThe Huntington University Department of Theatre Arts is bringing Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” to the campus.

Dates: Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 19, 20, and 21 (Thursday-Saturday, both weeks)

Time: 7:30 pm, with 2 pm matinees on Nov. 14 and 21 (Saturdays)

Location: Zurcher Auditorium in the university’s Merillat Centre for the Arts.

Tickets cost the following:

  • $12 for general admission.
  • $10 for students and senior citizens.
  • $6 for those 13 and younger.

To purchase tickets, contact the Merillat Centre for the Arts Box Office at (260) 359-4261. For more information….

gibbs_300Robert Gibbs passed away Sunday night, October 18, 2009, at the age of 87. During World War 2, he served in China with the Signal Corp. He went on to become a United Brethren pastor, and was ordained in 1954. He served UB churches in Michigan, and also worked as an electrical engineer.

After retiring, Bob and his wife, Pauline, volunteered as United Brethren missionaries in Macau.


Visitation: Wednesday, October 21, 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the Palmer Bush & Jensen Family Funeral Home, 6020 W. Saginaw Hwy, Lansing, Mich. 48917. Phone: 517-323-7890.

Funeral: 11 am. Thursday, October 22, at First United Brethren Church, 1330 E. Grand River, Lansing, Mich. Pastor Scott Hergert will officiate.

Burial: Interment with military honors will be held at 3 p.m. October 22 at Holy Corners Cemetery, Caledonia, Mich.

Memorials can be made to the First United Brethren Church of Lansing or to Global Ministries of the United Brethren Church.

Mattru Hospital in Sierra Leone is undergoing a renovation, which is expected to be completed in October. Funds are being provided by the United Nations Population Fund, through the office of the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Mrs. Sia Nyama Koroma.

On a visit to the hospital, Mrs. Koroma lamented the poor conditions, and included Mattru Hospital in her vision to establish hospitals of excellence.

In a special service on October 3, the hospital was handed over to the contractor to be refurbished. Bishop Billy Simbo, who also chairs the hospital board, thanked the First Lady, and admonished the people of Mattru Jong to monitor the progress of the project and not engage in stealing building materials.

jonamberherron275Jonathan Herron has been named senior pastor of Colwood UB Church (Caro, Mich.) effective September 27, 2009. He takes the place of Phil Whipple, who was elected bishop in June.

On his first Sunday preaching at Colwood, ten persons came to Christ.

Jonathan holds a degree in Theater from Columbia College, and a Masters in Evangelism/Missions from Ashland Theological Seminary (2002). He also studied improv comedy for two years under Tina Fey at the Second City Training Center.

Jonathan’s ministry experience includes being a youth pastor at three churches (including NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC, one of the fastest-growing churches in the country), and speaking at youth conferences since 2002. Most recently, he was founding pastor of Catalyst Church in Kent, Ohio. He writes a blog at:

Jon and Amber Herron have been married for ten years. Amber holds a Masters in Clinical Counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary (2002). They have a two-year-old son, Josiah.

Rick Pride, pastor of Eagle Quest UB church (Columbia City, Ind.) is mourning the death of his father. Richard C. Pride, 84, died Monday, October 12, at his home in South Bend, Ind. He was a World War 2 vet who served in the European theatre. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Maymie, and their three children.

The funeral is today, October 15, in South Bend.

newsboys_concertBring your youth group!

Huntington University is co-sponsoring with Star88.3 a Newsboys concert this Sunday, October 18, in Fort Wayne, Ind. The concert will be held at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, starting at 6 pm. Seventh Day Slumber, Meinmotion, Bread of Stone, and In Honor of Him will also perform.

The concert is part of an event called “Reach,” which includes a Gospel presentation followed by a call for new believers to connect with a local church.

No tickets are needed. A suggested donation of $10 will be taken at the door, but no one will be turned away for the inability to give.

Organizers also will collect nonperishable food items for the Associated Churches Food Bank.

The Huntington University Women’s Auxiliary sends thanks to each Women’s Missionary Fellowship or Women’s Ministry group that has so generously contributed to the 2009-10 Baker Roush Hall Prayer Room project.

Appreciation for the furniture and accents afforded so far has been expressed by Erica Harris, Roush Hall resident: “Thank you very much for all the Women’s Auxiliary has done to bring about the
prayer room. It’s looking very nice already, and I can assure you that many students are using it.”

The HU Women’s Auxiliary Executive Committee

Barbara E. Fetters and Jean Walmsley, co-presidents
Chris Dowden, vice-president
Ruth Weber, secretary
Deb Cherry, treasurer
Sue Cherry, corresponding secretary
Judy Campbell, publicity secretary


Donna Hollopeter and I met over lunch today with United Brethren international students attending Huntington University.  Present were (l-r): Jeff Berggren (Vice President of Enrollment Management & Marketing), Katie and Bryce Razor (MK – Honduras), Minkailu Mambu (Sierra Leone), Donna Hollopeter (Global Ministries), Josue Rivera (Honduras), Alejandra Gomez (Honduras), Tena-Shay Stewart ((Jamaica), Chevonne Shaw (Jamaica), Raquel Hernandez (Honduras), Jeff Bleijerveld (Global Ministries), Mitsuzi Stone (Jamaica), Rachel Weber (MK – Ecuador),  Absent: Gaynel Mullings (Jamaica), Jason Bleijerveld (MK – Spain), Gloria Bonilla (Honduras).