March 26, 2019

We’re looking forward to an exciting US National Conference this summer. The date is July 17-20. We’ll be meeting on the beautiful campus of Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. They are basically letting us take over their entire multi-story Student Union complex, which can accomodate everything we need–a huge ballroom for our services, plenty of rooms for workshops, areas for children’s ministry, a large room for the women’s track, and space for exhibitors. There’s even an onsite Starbucks. And right next door is the dining facility and a Dunkin’ Donuts.
Get Your Registration in Now
Early-bird pricing is available through June 1.
Individual: $75 ($90 after June 1, 2019)
Family: $115 ($140 after June 1, 2019)
You can register here. There are actually three parts: Registration, Lodging, and Meals. You MUST register for the conference itself, but the lodging and meal parts are optional–your choice. Lodging is available on campus or in local hotels. Lunch and dinner tickets can be purchased for the campus dining hall.
You are welcome to stay in Founders Hall, a campus residence hall. All of the beds are single (twin) beds, and there are no TVs in any rooms. It won’t be as comfy as a motel room, but it’s convenient and inexpensive. A set of linens and breakfast vouchers for the dining hall will be provided. Read more here.
The Registration page has links to four hotels in Bowling Green which are giving us a special conference rate. All four are located within a half-mile of the campus. Read about them here.
Meal Tickets
The Oaks has an excellent variety of food. You can purchase lunch and dinner tickets.
Adults: $10 per meal.
Youth (age 8-12): $6.75 per meal.
Children (4-7): $5.25 per meal.
Kids under 3 eat free with a purchased adult meal.
Theme and Keynote Speaker
Let’s Pray” is the theme for this summer’s US National Conference. Keynote speaker Daniel Henderson (right) will focus our attention on prayer during the Wednesday and Thursday night services.
Daniel Henderson was a senior pastor for over 20 years. Now, as president of Strategic Renewal, he works fulltime helping congregations experience renewal and prayer-based revitalization. He has written a number of books on biblical leadership and prayer, including “Transforming Prayer” and “Old Paths, New Power: Awakening Your Church through Prayer and the Ministry of the Word.”
Friday Night Spotlight on Missions
The Friday night service will focus on United Brethren missions. The keynote speaker will be David Datema (right), a UB ordained minister who, since 1999, has been an endorsed UB missionary with Frontier Ventures. His work with the US Center for World Mission has given him unique insights into worldwide mission work, particularly among unreached people groups.
Regional Meetings
In May, Bishop Todd Fetters will lead a series of regional meetings to review the proposals to be presented at the Thursday morning business session. The time in each location is 9:00 – 11:30 am.
May 6: Chambersburg, Pa.
May 8: Willshire, Ohio.
May 13: Sunfield, Mich.
May 15: Virtual meeting via Zoom.
Ministers and lay delegates are strongly encouraged to participate in one of these meetings. Complete information and a registration link can be found here.
Download the Conference Logo
The conference logo can be downloaded here in various formats, which you can use in your church communications–newsletters, announcement slides, etc. You can also download, by itself, the “wordcloud” used in the logo–for example, to use in a sermon series.
Links about the 2019 US National Conference
Conference homepage
Campus Housing
Business Session
Regional Meetings