We’re using a variety of ways to communicate via the internet, and people are taking advantage of them. Here’s a summary:

  • 1220 people worldwide have joined the UB news email list. We average 2-3 emails a month, only sending them as needed (rather than on a set schedule).
  • 230 people are now fans of the United Brethren Facebook page (up from nothing a few months ago).
  • 92 people are following the United Brethren Twitter feed.
  • 59 people are using Feedburner, a nifty service from Google which sends a daily email of everything posted to UBCentral.
  • 2900+ people are fans of the Huntington University Facebook page.
  • 369 people receive the monthly Huntington University Prayer Ministry email. This comes from the office of Bishop Emeritus Paul Hirschy, who says, “I would like to see it top 500.”

Billy Simbo, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, demonstrates the fine art of walking on water.

Billy Simbo, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, demonstrates the fine art of walking on water.

Billy Simbo attempts to rebaptize David Raudales.

Billy Simbo attempts to rebaptize David Raudales.

The General Conference delegates visited the Honduras Conference camp on January 11, 2010. While there, Billy Simbo, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, entered the pool to show everyone how to walk on water. When David Raudales of Honduras joined him, Billy thought it might be good to rebaptize him.

Members of the Philippine National Conference, known there as the Looking Unto Jesus Church.

Members of the Philippine National Conference, known there as the Looking Unto Jesus Church.

Rev. Prudencio Lim (right, with his late wife, Restituta), superintendent of the Philippine National Conference, wasn’t able to attend General Conference in June. He had a stroke last September, so his son Aaron planned to accompany him. However, the US wouldn’t grant Aaron a transit visa so he could fly through an American airport on his way to Honduras. Rev. Lim, having traveled to the US before, had all the clearances he needed. But without his son to accompany him, he cancelled the trip.

However, Rev. Lim did send a report on the work in the Philippines during the past four years (they became a UB national conference in 2005). Here are some notes from it.

  • Over 120 people were baptized during this period.
  • Over 150 people became Christians through crusades, vacation Bible schools, youth camps, and weekly equipping services in the various churches.
  • In 2007, a Pastors and Leaders conference was held in the province of Laguna, with 60 pastors and leaders attending.
  • In 2009, they published the “Finisher Bulletin,” a brochure given to church members to be used in weekly devotions. It is written by Rev. Lim and son Aaron Lim.
  • Rev. Lim’s wife, Restituta, passed away on July 7, 2009. Rev. Lim himself suffered a mild stroke on September 12, 2009, brought on by his intensive schedule of ministering in Metro Manila.
  • On December 23, 2009, the church in Catimon, in the province of Nueva Ecija, was built. It took 18 months. The pastor is Edison Sumaoang.

The report concludes: “2010 is another year of challenge in reaching Filipino people for our Lord Jesus Christ. This will be another year of soul-winning and equipping of the saints of God, and the passing of the anointing to our new breed of leaders. We envision raising effective servant leaders that God will raise in these last days.”

On Monday, March 1, Bridger Fetters will fly to Macau to begin his first term as a Global Ministries staffmember there. A commissioning service will be held Sunday morning, February 28, at his home church: College Park UB in Huntington, Ind. Actually, a commissioning will be held in both of the two Sunday morning services.

Just a reminder to senior pastors and licensed ministers: your annual reports are due to Bishop Phil Whipple on Monday, March 1. Lots of reports have been coming to the office this week.

The Israel group led by Dennis Miller (on the far right)

The Israel group led by Dennis Miller (on the far right)

Denny Miller giving instruction to the group.

Denny Miller giving instruction to the group.

A group of UB ministers is concluding a “Familiarity Tour” to Israel led by Dennis Miller, pastor of Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.). This trip is primarily for United Brethren pastors and spouses who haven’t visited Israel before, and who would be interested in leading a trip sometime in the future.

In the photos above you’ll find these pastors and spouses:

Denny and Karin Miller (Emmanuel)
Marty and Amy Pennington (Mainstreet UB, Walbridge, Ohio)
Greg and Cerise Reed (Morning Star UB, Kokomo, Ind.)
Gary and Rhonda Dilley (College Park UB, Huntington, Ind.)
Josh Kesler (The Well, Huntington, Ind.)
Darrel and Barb Bosworth (Kilpatrick UB, Woodland, Mich.)
Mike Caley (Banner of Christ UB, Byron Center, Mich.)
Craig and Rhonda Mickey (Emmanuel UB, Fort Wayne, Ind.)
Lee Rhodes (Countryside UB, Breckenridge, Mich.)
Steve Fish (Shoreline UB, Oak Harbor, Ohio)
Denny and Annette Sites (Jerusalem Chapel, Churchville, Va.)
Chuck Malson (Brown Corners UB, Clare, Mich.)
Doug and Nan Stull (Shepherd of the Valley, Logan, Ohio)
Rocky and Diane Spear (Mongul UB, Shippensburg, Pa.)
Patrick and Judy Daugherty (Atlantic Avenue UB, New Castle, Pa.)
Brad Kittle (The ROCK, Findlay Ohio)
Anna Geivett (Emmanuel UB, Fort Wayne, Ind.)

They’ll be returning this weekend. You can view a whole bunch of photos, divided up by each day, on Denny Miller’s blog.

Charlie and Ruth Snider

Charlie and Ruth Snider

Ruth Snider, a retired minister with the United Brethren Church in Canada, celebrated her 90th birthday on February 24, 2010. Ruth served several churches in Ontario over the years, beginning with the Roseville church (Ayr, Ontario) in 1943. She graduated from Toronto Bible College in 1944, and was ordained in 1967.

In 1984, after 10 years as pastor of Bloem Avenue UB church in Toronto, Ruth became a director with Food for the Hungry Canada, which later became Hope International Development Agency. After she retired from Hope, she pastored two more churches–Shiloh UB (Tiverton, Ontario) and Roseville (once again).

Ruth and her husband, Charlie (who turned 90 last August) were married in 1942. They have both been highly involved in mission work over the years. Charlie has worked in many different countries throughout the world as a “technical missionary,” heading up or participating in various types of building projects. They now live at Lakeshore Lodge, a longterm care home.

Most of the General Conference delegates climbed this hill which overlooks the camp. The structure in the foreground will eventually have two levels--a cafeteria on the lower level, and a conference meeting area above.

Most of the General Conference delegates climbed this hill which overlooks the camp. The structure in the foreground will eventually have two levels--a cafeteria on the lower level, and a conference meeting area above.

A side view of the future camp cafeteria. An upper level will be added with meeting space.

A side view of the future camp cafeteria. An upper level will be added with meeting space.

Billy Simbo, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, leads the way down from the hill overlooking the camp. Jeff Dice is directly behind him.

Billy Simbo, bishop of Sierra Leone Conference, leads the way down from the hill overlooking the camp. Jeff Dice is directly behind him.

Juanita Chavez, superintendent of Honduras Conference (right) points out some features to Denis Casco (Mexico) and Donna Hollopeter.

Juanita Chavez, superintendent of Honduras Conference (right) points out some features to Denis Casco (Mexico) and Donna Hollopeter.

On Monday afternoon, January 11, the General Conference delegates took a field trip to the Honduras Conference camp located to the west of La Ceiba. The conference acquired this property several years ago.

The place is very rough. Most of the buildings need a lot of work. But the potential is great.

One priority is the cafeteria building, which is currently just an open shell. It will be enclosed and a second floor added containing meeting rooms. The caretaker’s home, where a family now lives, also needs to be enlarged and improved.

The camp is already being used in various ways, and is being rented out to other groups for retreats and other events.

You can view a large batch of photos–84 of them–from the trip to the camp. The thumbnails below give a few selected shots of the camp and its many buildings.