07 Apr Easter Story: Oak Harbor, Ohio

A large piece of artwork displayed during the Easter service at Shoreline Church.
From Steve Fish, senior pastor of Shoreline Church (Oak Harbor, Ohio)
We chose to do a contemporary observance of Lent this year. We started on Ash Wednesday by burning in a small bowl slips of paper with confessed sins written on them (it was quite a fire.)
We encouraged Shoreline families to add family mealtime devotions into their lives for Lent (instead of giving something up.)
We celebrated the Passion week with a Seder meal and Good Friday services.
For six weeks we added something into each worship service–special music, worship dance, drama, and chalk art. On Easter Sunday we brought all these pieces back together as a response to the message that God’s strong arm (Isaiah 53:1) has brought from death to life those who seek the hidden treasure of God’s kingdom (Matt 13:44-46).
We were up 30 from 2009 Easter attendance. We continue to seek ways to reach people along the 107 miles of Shoreline in Ottawa County, Ohio. Thankful to God for His goodness to us!