Dice Family Concluding 8 Months of Spanish Study

Jeff and April are non-traditional staff serving as our Central American Liaisons. Jeff is primarily on staff with Brown Corners UB in Clare, Mich., but in partnership with Global Ministries will spend about three months of the year working on projects, training leaders, developing micro-enterprise opportunities, and coordinating short-term trips to the region. His family plans to spend as many as two months per year on the field with him.

The whole Dice family has spent the last 8 months studying Spanish at the Spanish Language Institute in Costa Rica. On April 13, they sent this note:

Hello from Costa Rica! We are now in the home stretch, as we only have 7 days of school left. We had our oral proficiency interviews last Friday and received our marks today. April and I both tested at the level “Avanzado Medio.” April also took the Comprehensive Grammar Exam and scored an 84.

We are ready to return to Michigan and find some Spanish speakers to befriend.  We have both decided to take as many CLEP tests for college credit in Spanish as we can. I may continue studying Spanish at Central Michigan University. Pray that we can find opportunities to speak Spanish in Michigan!

The “avanzado medio” translates “mid-advanced,” which is quite high for someone who has been there for less than an entire year.

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