December 22, 2011

Scenes from Kunkle UB's Christmas event at the community firehouse.
Ron Evans (right), pastor, Kunkle UB Church (Kunkle, Ohio)

A community Christmas was held at the local firehouse with more then 80 people in attendance. This event involved lighting a large evergreen tree that stands on the main intersection in the village. Ed Sutton, a contractor based in the village, provided the lift used to place strings of lights donated by the community on the tree. Kunkle Carryout was the collection point for community-donated toys and money for the event.
The event started out with the lighting of the tree. As the people gathered around the tree, a prayer of dedication was given and the lights turned on. Then we moved into the firehouse for finger foods. After that, Emma Evans played her accordion and we sang several Chrismas carols together. On the last carol, two boys from our youth group, along with their band director at North Central school in Pioneer, joined us with their trumpets.
After the singing, the Kunkle Youth group portrayed the Christmas story as it was read. Then, time for what the kids had all been wating for: Santa. When Santa walked in, one little girl pointed in his direction and another cried out, “It is Santa!” The kids were given the opportunity to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas. After that, they were able to pick a toy from the pile at Santa’s side. When all the little kids were done, some of the big kids got into the act as well.
One little boy told Santa that one of the toys he had bought early had broken already. He asked Santa if it was okay to exchange it for a new one. Santa told him that it was okay and he would have a talk with his elves about quality control. This put a smile on the little boy’s face.
This event was a success, as many in the community joined in. The Chrismas message of Christ was delivered, and we had several tell us that they wanted to more involved next year.
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