April 10, 2012
L.A. Gossert, Mt. Pleasant Church (Chambersburg, Pa.)
On our off years (when we don’t do a large musical Passion Play), we at Mt. Pleasant have done a few other things instead–simple cantatas, special Maundy Thursday services, solemn and dark Good Friday services, etc. This year we tried something new which really blessed me and many others I know: “Experiencing the Last Supper.”
All outward appearances pointed towards a simple drama involving Jesus and his disciples at their final Passover meal together. We watched them sit down for the meal and when Jesus announced he would be betrayed, Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” painting appeared before our eyes, each character frozen into his position as in the painting. This became a springboard for twelve monologues, as each disciple stood and told us about how he met Jesus and had been changed; and each considering the coming betrayal and questioning, “Lord, is it I?”
But where “Experiencing the Last Supper” stood out for me, and others, is that we were a part of it. Each of us had in the pew one of those communion-cup-and-wafer combos. As the man who played Jesus stood and broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take and eat,” we also took and ate. The bread. Then the “wine.” What we do in remembrance took on a new dimension. It was very beautiful.
Now, I was not a part of the drama and I am not on staff, so I do not know stats nor do I have access to pictures. But I know the sanctuary was packed out (I think I heard just over 300 there) and I know there were some visitors among us. In fact, I got word that a family who had been looking around for a home church texted a friend of theirs from our church (the one who played Judas, interestingly enough) to say how much they enjoyed the evening, felt welcomed, and now they intend to make Mt. Pleasant their home.
What happened at your church during this Easter season? Tell us on this form.