June 27, 2012

The team from ReNew Communities. Pastor Andy Sikora is on the far left.
Andy Sikora, senior pastor, ReNew Communities (Berea, Ohio)
Renew Communities sent a team of 13 people to visit Haiti Bible Mission in Jeremie, Haiti. The trip was a “missions exposure” trip, so we had the opportunity to see all the ways that HBM is working in Jeremie and the surrounding areas. While there, we were able to visit multiple church plants that HBM has started, and to help with construction on the church at Kolimo that Renew Communities is helping to plant.
The church in Kolimo was about a 45-minute drive and a 35-minute hike up a mountain. It’s ultimately about 15 miles outside of town, but with bad roads and hiking, it takes time. Hundreds of people live within a five minute walk. The Haitian pastor is deeply invested in that village. It was inspiring for sure.
Along with visiting these churches, we were able to do some work projects at a school HBM started and around the HBM compound. We also played soccer with kids in many different parts of Jermemie, visited sick and malnourished children in the hospital, gave support to widows that HBM cares for, bought a motorcycle for the pastor of the Kolimo church plant, and had a chance to meet many of the people that HBM works with on a regular basis.
The connection with Haiti Bible Mission comes through Chris Solyntjes, ReNew’s worship pastor. He has served on the board of HBM for 3 years and handles all their communications. Chris has known Mark Stockeland, director of HBM, since high school. The more I got to know about HBM, the more I realized that they’re about the same things we are in reaching a city by raising up indigenous leaders in church planting. For us this partnership was a no brainer, and we’re actually learning a lot from them.
Most church plants in that area cost about $6000, but the mountain makes it more expensive–$15,000 for this plant. We raised $7000 in December and another church raised $1500. They still need about $7000 to complete the project. We’re about to launch a kick starter style campaign to raise the rest by year’s end.
We look forward to partnering with this amazing church planting movement in Haiti and can’t wait to see what God will do in the future!
Here are some scenes from the trip.