30 Aug Camden, Mich: VBS, an Ice Machine, and Two Pies

Ben Gladhill (left) and Steve Smith.
Ben Gladhill (right), associate pastor of Christian Education, Lake View Church (Camden, Mich.)
Lake View Church (Camden Mich.), hosted its annual VBS program July 15-19. Our theme this year was PRAISE, “where kids get down and lift God high.” The curriculum was produced by The Go Fish Guys, a Christian music group known for their acapella, and harmonies. Our program was set up like a concert venue complete with lighting and fog machines, and was high energy, exciting, and a ton of fun.
Throughout the week we set several goals for our teens. The first was an attendance goal of 80 kids. The reward: I would take a pie in the face. The last night we had a total of 83 children attend our VBS program, and I took a prune pie!
Each night we also collected a missions offering. Our project was to raise $1000 to purchase an ice machine to take with us to Laurel Mission on our trip with our teens. By our third night we had raised over our $1000 and upped our goal to $1500 (the actual cost of the ice machine). By the final night we had raised $2000 from the contributions of our children and leaders! Senior pastor Steve Smith stepped up and took a second prune pie for the amazing offering!
Finally and most importantly, we had 14 children accept Christ during VBS—14 more lives for the kingdom! Praise God!