Brent Liechty, youth pastor, Pathway Community Church (Jackson, Mich.)

On Wednesday, November 7 at 7 pm, Pathway Community Church (Jackson, Mich.) will bring in the 7 Project to Northwest High School, Kidder Middle School, and East Jackson Junior/Senior High.

The 7 Project is an assembly for the school that will tackle issues such as bullying, alcohol, dreams, character, and scholastic achievement.

Kurt Cullison and former NFL player Brian Pruitt will speak, teaching students how to deal with the dangers in life in a positive way. There will be an evening gathering where the 7th, most important part will be shared–Jesus.

Please be in prayer for an openness to the message, that a connection with youth groups will be formed, and that we’ll have enough adult volunteers to pull this off well.

We really need more counselors and adult leaders. If you are in the area and would like a free chance to lead some teens to Christ, email Brent Liechty or Kendal Sheen. For more information, check out the website.

Fourteen Huntington University students will serve at a homeless shelter in the heart of Chicago over Nov. 9-11.

As a part of the university’s annual Urban Plunge, students will serve as needed at the Cornerstone Community Outreach homeless shelter. Students will also work at another yet-to-be-decided location.

The Plunge is organized through the Joe Mertz Center for Volunteer Service on campus. The JMC is a student-directed organization that mobilizes the campus community for Christian service with more than 11,000 volunteer hours recorded each year by students, faculty and staff.

You can read about the individual students on the Huntington University website.

Dalton Jenkins, pastor, Bethel Temple of Praise (Yonkers, New York)

We want to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts throughout this hurricane.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, we give God thanks for his protection. For the most part, there was no significant loss of property or any personal injury. Our family was not directly affected. Schools were canceled for the rest of the week, and most jobs were closed the day after the hurricane. On Wednesday, we began to see some signs of normality.

Traveling to New York City under normal conditions was always an adventure. Hurricane Sandy made it extremely difficult. It was less difficult for those traveling north of New York City than for those traveling south. Mass-transit service is partially restored. The city is working hard to clear the downed trees, which are the greatest hindrance to travel, and to restore power.

In the city of Yonkers, 21,000 customers are still experiencing power outage. You can read more about the impact on Yonkers and the recovery efforts at Yonkers Daily Voice.

For the most part, the people in our church did not experience any significant damages. Some are still experiencing power outage and difficulty traveling to their jobs.

UPDATE THURSDAY NIGHT: I just came home and I saw only two gas stations that were opened. The lines were long and police guarded the entrances and exits. Now we are limited to 10 gallons per vehicle. How did this happen so quickly?

Click to enlarge

The photo above shows some scenes from the 2012 “Trunk or Treat” Halloween event at Findlay First UB church (Findlay, Ohio) on Thursday, October 25. Over 300 kids came. The church gave out 300 Bibles and Bible tracks.

Charity LaRue, a member, reports that more candy was donated than in any previous year, but they still ran out. “But just like how Jesus fed the 5,000 with 2 little fish and 5 loaves of bread, we didn’t run out until 8:00 when it was officially over!

“This event has just exploded in the amount of people we’re reaching. Only about five kids came from our church. All the rest of them were neighborhood people! God has definitely blessed this ministry. Plus, it was so warm that kids didn’t have to wear coats over their costumes. Tons of kids stayed to play on the playground, and tons were eating the donuts and hot chocolate. It was amazing!”

Lined up in the Anchor fellowship hall.

Serving up food to zombies and other visitors.

Hanging out with the kids.

Anchor Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.) held its annual Halloween event on October 31. After kids finished trick-or-treating in the church’s downtown neighborhood, they (and plenty of parents) came to Anchor. There, they found:

  • A dark and scary maze in the downstairs children’s sanctuary.
  • Lots of food in the fellowship hall–hotdogs, soups, nachos, and more.
  • Games to play in the fellowship hall.

Several hundred people came through the church, many of them sitting down at tables in the fellowship hall to eat and watch the creative costumes.

Scott and Tanya Hardaway

Scott and Tanya Hardaway

Tanya Hardaway, 38, passed away on Monday, October 29. As reported on October 15, she had been diagnosed with uterine sarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

Tanya is the wife of Scott Hardaway, senior pastor since 2001 of Pathway Community Church in Jackson, Mich.

Cards can be sent to:

Scott Hardaway
5225 Clinton Road
Jackson, MI 49201

Numerous sympathies have been posted on Scott’s Facebook page.

Funeral details:

Visitation: Sunday, November 4, 2-5 pm.
Visitation location: Chas. J. Burden & Son Funeral Home, 1806 East Michigan Ave, Jackson, MI 49202
Funeral: 11am Monday, November 5.
Funeral location: Pathway Community Church, 5225 Clinton Rd., Jackson, MI 49201.

After six months, 92 percent of Huntington University’s graduated education majors are employed in an education-related field. The university has consistently seen this success over the last five years.

Of that 92 percent, 82 percent are employed fulltime — the highest year thus far – and 5 percent are teaching part time. A majority of those graduates are employed in Indiana.

The survey was based on responses from 22 out of 25 graduates from the Class of 2012.

Mark Wallace of Christian Horizons, an organization with which we partner in Haiti, sent this note on October 26 about Hurricane Sandy’s affect on Haiti.

Please pray for the people of Haiti. Once again, this fragile country faces another challenge due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy.

Our national director reports that there has been no electricity for many days. People are without water and food and are difficult to reach. More than one dozen deaths have been recorded, and many houses and bridges have been destroyed.

The impact of this hurricane has increased the challenges in Haiti.

Efforts to supply water to people from the water depot are under way. Please pray that assistance would reach those in need and for the children in our CH Global programs.

Recent scenes from Hermmy’s life. (Click to enlarge)

Joan Sider (right), New Hope Church, Toronto, Ontario

Joan Sider sent this update on Hermmy on Thursday, October 25. Hermmy, a Haitian girl, was brought to Canada by the UB churches of Canada so that she could undergo an operation to repair a hole in her heart. That operation occurred October 10, and she came “home” to Joan’s place on Monday, October 15.

Can you believe it was only two weeks yesterday that Hermmy had her operation? I find that nearly impossible to grasp. The progress she is making is phenomenal.

We went shopping Tuesday afternoon, and after coming out with a few bags of groceries, Hermmy grabbed one of the bags and carried it to the car. There was no prompting on my part to do so. She smiled broadly as she did it. She knows that she is getting strength that she’s not had before. I kidded her that the next shopping day, she’d have to carry two bags.

Her greatest joy comes from watching movies on either my laptop or the iPad as the pics will show.

Wednesday was another library day. Hermmy is getting used to this trip–returning and picking up more DVDs.

Today (Thursday), I was able to teach for the morning. It was good to get back in the classroom. When I came home, I broke the news to Hermmy that this was going to be a shower and hair washing day. As expected, this was not welcome news. However, I am happy to say that all is well, and believe it or not, I put her hair into a pony tail–looks a little off, but she wasn’t unhappy. She didn’t seem to have the energy yet to do anything with her own hair.

Food continues to be an area where we aren’t having the greatest success. Swiss Chalet rice is the only rice she has enjoyed, scrambled eggs with ketchup, chicken noodle soup, popcorn and FudgeeO chocolate cookies are her favourites. Pineapple and orange juices and water are her favourite beverages.

As I write this, we are watching the last of the third season’s Emily of New Moon. This is the activity we do just before Hermmy’s bedtime.

Thanks again for the words of encouragement that many of you are sending our way. We know you are praying for us, and it is greatly appreciated. We’re continuing to ask God for Hermmy’s healing outside and particularly inside.

Rick Tyler (right) has been approved as endorsed staff with Global Ministries. Rick and his wife, Diane, are from Parkwood Gardens UB church in Guelph, Ontario.

Rick has served in the home office of Christian Missions Resource Centre since November 2011. With CMRC, Rick is involved with mission trips to South America. In the past, he has led mission teams to various locations, mostly in the Caribbean and Central America.

Rick has served with Christian Missions Resource Centre in Ontario, Canada for 12 years–first as a volunteer, and on staff since November 2011. He is well suited for his role in communications, since his background includes working in Christian television and media for over 35 years. Self-educated and self-employed, his projects include pioneering works to well seasoned ministries.

CMRC’s mission is to help the world’s needy both 
spiritually and in practical gifts of helps. They have projects in Cuba, Peru, and Guatemala.