Criders team in Nicaragua. L-r: Marina Barnett, Justine Staniszewski, Baylee Keefer, Emily Stottlemyer, Chip Stottlemyer, Jody Barnett.

Criders team in Nicaragua. L-r: Marina Barnett, Justine Staniszewski, Baylee Keefer, Emily Stottlemyer, Chip Stottlemyer, Jody Barnett.

A team of four youth and two adults from Criders UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.) traveled to Masaya, Nicaragua, in July. Working with Jeff Dice, they helped with the conference center building project and completed some paint projects for Pastor Juan Pavon.

They also planned and ran a Kids Camp program at one of the local UB churches. About 75 children attended. They invited parents to the closing service, and about 125 New Testaments were given out to the children and their parents.

Watching the game.

Watching the game.

Watching the game.

Watching the game.

L-r: Steve Dennie, Bishop Phil Whipple, and Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University.

L-r: Steve Dennie, Bishop Phil Whipple, and Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, president of Huntington University.

Sunday afternoon, August 4, was “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Day for the staff of the United Brethren national office in Huntington, Ind. A few were on vacation or traveling, or otherwise unable to attend. But a good number of them, along with some family and friends, attended a Tin Caps game in Fort Wayne, Ind. The Tin Caps are a minor league (single A) team of the San Diego Padres.

Because of the need to make up a game cancelled because of rain, the August 4 game was turned into a double-header (both only 7 innings long). The Lansing Lugnuts won the first game, and the Tin Caps prevailed in the second.

A photo gallery from the outing can be found on Facebook.

Steve Dennie, Director of Communications

My heroes have always been missionaries. I grew up in United Brethren churches where United Brethren missions was emphasized, and names of missionaries from the 1960s and 1970s are firmly implanted in my memory. Working at our national headquarters, I’ve crossed paths with nearly every United Brethren missionary during the past 35 years, and have interviewed and written about a number of them.

One of the names from my childhood was Ruth Benner, a single missionary who served in Sierra Leone 1965-1972. Ruth passed away last week. Her funeral is tomorrow, August 6, in Port Colborne, Ontario.

Ruth, a Canadian, served a number of years in leadership with the denominational Women’s Missionary Fellowship and on the Global Ministries leadership team. In those capacities, she came through Huntington, Ind., (where I work) many times. I didn’t know her well, but I was around her quite a bit.

Ruth is one of those persons who always seemed to be in a cheerful mood. She had a distinctive voice, and a ready laugh. You enjoyed being around Ruth. Observing her relationships with other persons, especially former missionaries, it seemed she excelled at friendship. I can’t think of a single even slightly negative thing I ever heard about Ruth. She always struck me as a genuinely good person with a pure heart and an enviable sunny disposition. Ruth served just seven years as a missionary, but those years very much formed who she was and what she was passionate about.

Ruth made the world a better place, and she will be missed.

Ruth Benner, a former United Brethren missionary in Sierra Leone, passed away quietly just after 8 am on August 1, 2013.  She had been struggling with cancer for several months.

Visitation: Tuesday, August 6, 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm.
Funeral: 11 am Wednesday, August 7, 2013.
Visitation and funeral location: Davidson Funeral Home, Port Colborne, Ontario.

Reception following at Grace UB hurch, 895 Empire Road, Sherkston, Ontario

Ruth served two terms in Sierra Leone. From 1965-1968, she served at the Bumpe Girls’ School–a teacher the first year, and later principal and teacher. From 1969-1972, her work was divided between Minnie Mull School at Bonthe and Mattru. She also became Associate Secretary of Christian Education for the conference, a role in which she traveled to various places to conduct courses for both teachers and students. Her work also involved Christian Endeavor and helping with Vacation Bible School in nearby villages.

After returning from the field, Ruth remained involved in UB mission work at her own church, and also in denominational roles with the Women’s Missionary Fellowship and the Global Ministries Leadership Team.

Arrangements have not yet been completed, but will be passed along when they are finalized. Please pray for all who loved Ruth, and especially her cousin and housemate for many years, Carol Coopman. She can be reached as follows:

Miss  Carol Coopman
3801 Farr Avenue
Apt. #1-11
Ridgeway, ON
L0S 1N0

Barbara Self, mother of Eric Self, pastor of Mount Zion UB Church (Junction City, Ohio), has been dealing with a number of critical medical issues for over a month now. She has been hospitalized in critical condition with an aggressive form of cancer, but other problems have delayed chemotherapy treatments. She has a blood clot, and serious infections.

“We nearly lost her over the weekend,” wrote daughter-in-law Annette Self on July 30. “Getting rid of the infections is the top priority now. As long as nothing happens with that blood clot, I think she will continue to improve.”

Annette reported that Barbara is in stable condition and even improving, but remains in ICU. She’s been off the ventilator for a few days, and ate on her own yesterday.

You can write to Eric Self at:

208 West Main St., PO Box 75
Junction City, OH 43748-0075

Steve Dennie, Director of Communications

The 2013 US National Conference, during its business meeting on June 27, eliminated the “Watchcare” membership category. There’s a good chance you know nothing about Watchcare.

The Watchcare membership category is (was) for children ages 9 and under. But that’s not how it started. Historically, Watchcare was for persons of any age who were nonChristians, but were “seeking” to become Christians. They just hadn’t taken that step yet, for whatever reason.

Todd Fetters, as part of a Task Force on Membership that reported to the 2001 National Conference, researched the role of Watchcare membership in the UB church. He wrote the following:

In our contemporary culture, we have seen a rebirth of a classic term— seeker. The “seeker” is one who demonstrates a desire to know God through a process of careful discovery. The United Brethren Church has a deep historical connection with this term.

Watchcare membership was established early in the history of the United Brethren in Christ Church for the essential purpose of encouraging the “spiritually awakened” person in his or her pursuit to know God through Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible and lived through the Church. The existence of such a category itself reveals that the class/society/church was committed to the work of the Gospel, while recognizing that it was also responsible to encourage the nonbeliever at whatever level of enlightenment he/she was….

For nearly 75 years, the term “watch-care” was used to refer only to those unbelieving adults who showed evidences of moving toward faith in Christ. Later, it included children who showed evidences of moving toward Christ. In both situations, members were required to continue pursuing knowledge of the Bible that would lead them to salvation and thus make them eligible for “full membership.”

This membership category seemed to serve the best interests of the church and the seeker. In the interest of the seeker, he/she could “belong” and receive the support and instruction of the church. By not allowing this member to vote, the interests of the church were served in that the true mind of Christ would be discerned by those persons who professed themselves to be “Christian”—according to their belief and surrender in Jesus Christ.

Apparently, using Watchcare as a place for unbelieving adults ran its course, so it was changed to focus exclusively on young children. But now, that, too, seems to have run its course. Very few churches still use it.

There was some discussion on the conference floor, mainly from persons wanting to retain the category. When it came to a voice vote, it seemed close enough to do a standing count. But the result was not close: 207 in favor of the proposal, 73 opposed. So Watchcare membership, as a denominational category of membership, is no more.

Jill Christophel, wife of John Christophel, pastor of Brooklyn Park UB church (Baltimore, Md.), suffered the loss of her step-dad on July 27. The Christophels have served Brooklyn Park since 1998.


Jill Christophel
124 West Hilltop Rd
Baltimore, MD  21225

L-r: Kona Musa, Sam King, Mikaile Mambu, Bishop Phil Whipple, Joe Abu, Emmanuel Farma, James Kabangai, Donna Hollopeter, and Jeff Bleijerveld.

L-r: Kona Musa, Sam King, Mikaile Mambu, Bishop Phil Whipple, Joe Abu, Emmanuel Farma, James Kabangai, Donna Hollopeter, and Jeff Bleijerveld.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Last week Global Ministries had a bit of a Sierra Leone reunion here at our office in Huntington, Ind. The reunion was precipitated by the visit of Rev. Emmanuel Farma, who was standing up with Rev. James Ganda as he was married last week in Philadelphia.

As part of Rev. Farma’s visit, Rev. Joseph Abu along with Rev. James Kabangai and Sam King made the trip to Huntington to visit with former missionaries Eleanore Datema, Greg and Jodi Fiedler, Emmett and Shirley Cox, as well as with Jim and Marda Hoffman and former Global Ministries director, Rev. Gary Dilley.

Following a tour of Huntington University, the group joined Bishop Phil Whipple, Donna Hollopeter and Jeff Bleijerveld for lunch. Huntington students Kona Musa (nursing) and Mikaile Mambu (social work/psychology), both of Sierra Leone, also joined in.

Rev. Farma is lead pastor of our largest congregation in Sierra Leone and superintendent of church services for the Sierra Leone National Conference.

For the sixth year in a row, Huntington University has been listed among the “Top Colleges” in the country by Forbes. Out of the 650 schools ranked, HU was the only institution listed from the greater Fort Wayne area.

The rankings are based on five general categories: post-graduate success (which evaluates alumni pay and prominence); student satisfaction (which includes professor evaluations and freshman to sophomore year retention rates); student debt (which penalizes schools for high student debt loads and default rates); graduation rate; and nationally competitive awards (which rewards schools whose students win prestigious scholarships and fellowships like the Rhodes, the Marshall and the Fulbright or go on to earn a Ph.D). The rankings are compiled for Forbes by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for College Affordability and Productivity.

The rankings are available online.

2013-2015 UB DisciplineThe United Brethren Discipline has been updated with the 20-some revisions made during the 2013 US National Conference on June 27.

From this link, you can download the 2013-2015 Discipline in PDF and also view it online.

We do not print hard copies of the Discipline. Since it’s up for revision every two years, that’s not enough shelf-life to make it economically feasible. Since 2005, the Discipline has been available only in electronic form. But you can download it and print out a copy for your own use.