In early January, Dr. Sherilyn Emberton, President of Huntington University, spoke to the United Brethren cluster leaders, who were in town for a two-day training session. Her message highlighted the century-long partnership between the University and the United Brethren Church.

A February 5 victory over Indiana Wesleyan gave Lori Culler (right) her 500th win as head coach of the Huntington University women’s basketball team. During her 28 years as coach, she has compiled a record of 500-320. She ranks third on the list of career wins among active women’s basketball coaches in the NAIA Division II.

Lori is the daughter of Garry and Lois Culler, who have served 40 years in the United Brethren ministry. Garry is currently Pastor of Congregational Care at Mount Pleasant UB church in Chambersburg, Pa.

With the Rosa de Sharon congregation in Jesus Maria, Mexico. Bishop Phil Whipple is in the back (with someone's hand partly over his face), and Jeff Bleijerveld is on the left side of the photo.

With the Rosa de Sharon congregation in Jesus Maria, Mexico. Bishop Phil Whipple is in the back (with someone’s hand partly over his face), and Jeff Bleijerveld is on the left side of the photo.

Bishop Phil Whipple and Global Ministries Director Jeff Bleijerveld are in central Mexico, visiting church with Bishop Denis Casco of the Mexico Conference. The are currently in the state of Queretero, about three hours north of Mexico City. They’ll be meeting with various churches and groups of pastors.

Last night (Thursday, February 6), Bishop Whipple preached at the Rosa de Saron (Rose of Sharon) UB church in the town of Jesus Maria. Jeff Bleijerveld translated for the bishop, who spoke about the experiences of four people who were at the foot of the cross.

Jeff writes: “Pastor Guadalupe Velazquez leads this church and another new plant nearby. It’s a church of about 100 of all ages and the only evangelical church in the community.”


Registration is now open for the 2014 UB Women’s Conference, with Early Early Bird Registration until April 1.

Date: September 19-21, 2014
Location: Huron, Ohio

Join hundreds of other United Brethren women and friends for the 2014 UB Women’s Conference. The conference will be held at the beautiful Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio. That’s a little east of Toledo, very close to the Cedar Point amusement park. We held the 2007, 2009, and 2011 US National Conferences at Sawmill Creek, so it will be familiar to many of you.

Registration includes lodging, meeting costs, 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, and 1 dinner.

Registration cost is based on number of persons sharing a room:

  • One person in a room: $310 per person
  • Two persons in a room: $189 per person
  • Three persons in a room: $149 per person
  • Four persons in a room: $129 per person (except for Early Early Bird Registration)

Early Early Bird Registration

  • Until April 1, the cost is just $99 per person for a quad-occupancy room (four persons sharing the room).
  • After August 15, the cost rises $50 per person and is on an availability-only basis. This is due to contracted arrangements with the hotel.

For More Information:

Please inform women in your church about this conference and encourage them to register. We’d love to see a whole van-load of women from your church!

youthsummit-logo-300Registration is now open for the 2014 UB Youth Summit.

This is an annual event of encouragement and training for persons in youth ministry. It is available to all paid youth ministry staff or the lead youth ministry volunteer in the church.

Date: April 28 – May 1, 2014
Location: Best Western Aku Tiki Inn in Daytona Beach, Fla.

About 25 youth workers attend each Summit. It’s a great time of networking with other youth leaders and being encouraged by others who are in the trenches of youth ministry. They enjoy the beach, the golf course, and incredibly beautiful weather, along with the chance to slow down and step away from the constant demands of youth ministry.

The registration fee includes meeting costs, lodging, breakfasts, and two dinners (one hosted by Huntington University, one by Bishop Phil Whipple). You are responsible for transportation to and from Daytona, a few meals, and hotel incidentals.

  • Two persons in a room: $195 per person (whether it’s a spouse or another youth worker)
  • One person in a room: $280 per person

You can register online. Registration closes April 1. After that date, the cost rises $50 and is on an availability-only basis. This is due to contracted arrangements with hotel.

A reminder to UB ministers–your annual reports for the 2013 year are due to Bishop Phil Whipple by February 15. That includes:

  • Your personal report as a UB minister.
  • Your church’s annual report (which only the senior pastor needs to submit).

All reports are available online at You can download copies to fill out, or you can submit the report using an online form.

Adapted from an article in the African newspaper Awoko, by Keifa M. Jaward (Feb. 5, 2014)

The United Brethren Church (UBC) Hospital in Mattru Jong is said to be in dire need of qualified and committed medical team that can assist in the provision of better healthcare services in the community.

This and other related problems were discovered by a medical team from Michigan who came to render free surgical services and donate updated surgical equipment and medicines to the hospital.

The United Brethren Church Hospital at Mattru Jong was founded as a dispensary by the missionary Baker Family in the 1950s. It has been a major health center for the community, and has also expanded to establish a nursing school that has, over the years, produced nurses who have been contributing to Sierra Leone’s healthcare delivery.

In an interview with Awoko in Freetown, Dr. Ronald Baker (right) explained that the medical team, which includes a surgeon specialist, family practitioner, anesthetic, nurses and other humanitarians, conducted over 30 operations in a week’s period.

Analyzing the needs of the hospital, Dr. Baker stated that the UBC Hospital can be very efficient if it has two medical doctors and committed nurses that will be handling emergency cases including obstructed labor. The government is fighting to reduce maternal morbidity in the country.

He maintained that the medical needs are overwhelming, as the hospital is challenged with facilities and medical supplies, including basic x-ray machines.

Baker recommended that the hospital should have a good and uninterrupted water supply, maintenance of facilities, supply of up-to-date medical equipment, and drugs. He added that much needd to be done in preventive measures and good road network in the community in general.

Baker commended the contributions of two Sierra Leoneans, Dr. Abu Minnah and Madam Kadiatu Allie, who equally sacrificed their expertise, time and resources, and also encouraged other Sierra Leoneans, especially medical practitioners abroad, to reconsider working back home.

Madam Kadiatu Allie, who provided hospitality for the team, expressed her happiness for assisting the team in that direction. “I would have done even more than that, if I had the opportunity, especially when they were in the country to contribute to the healthcare system.”


A work team from Canada arrived in Haiti on Friday, January 31. This is the 12th team the United Brethren of Canada have sent to Haiti since our work there began in 2000.

Around 11:30, they boarded a bus in Port-au-Prince and left for Cayes, where they will be working. About halfway there, the bus broke down. However, another bus eventually came to pick them up, and they arrived in Cayes around 6:30.

Joan Sider, from the UB church in Toronto, is once again leading the trip. Unfortunately, her luggage ended up going in a different direction–to Phoenix. Joan wrote, “I’m at the mercy of the other women, who have generously shared some of the necessities. Since we have about 700 t-shirts, I shouldn’t have a problem with tops. One skirt–I can manage.”

Here are some other places the Canadian teams have served in Haiti in recent years:

  • January 2009: at Cité Soleil in the Port-au-Prince area, plus a trip to Les Cayes.
  • October 2010: work on the Delmas 33 church in Port-au-Prince.
  • October 2011: medical clinics in areas around Port-au-Prince.
  • January 2012: Gonaives (building a new church).
  • 2013: Limbe.

The Living Stone church in Macau.

The Living Stone church in Macau.

Frank Y (right), Associate Director of Global Ministries

There are two UB churches in Macau: Living Water and Living Stone. Living Water is a well-established church which goes back to the 1980s, when we began ministering in Macau. Living Stone, located on Taipa Island, traces back to 2001.

The ministry on Taipa began in 2001, when the missionary staff moved their offices to Taipa and launched a new English Language Program. The Living Stone church was founded in 2006. The Living Stone congregation consists of English and Chinese speakers, and they minister to a bilingual audience.

The Taipa ministry has used the same location since it began in 2001. Last year, the church was notified by its current landlord that the rent will be going up many times the current amount.

After exploring a few options, Living Stone decided to move. They have until June 2014 to find a new home.

A committee is evaluating a number of options. Given the size of Macau, it is not easy to find a place that is right in price, location, potential for ministry, and other factors. Please pray for the church – that the Lord will lead them to the right location, that the committee will be wise in discernment, and that this move will bring the church together amidst all the transitions and work.

In the coming years, Hong Kong Conference and Global Ministries will work in collaboration with the local churches and leaders to discern possible new ministry opportunities. The social, political, and economic landscape is changing in Macau, and we need to adapt with it. This process will require much more onsite research and meetings before setting a concrete vision. Pray for guidance, vision, and oneness of heart.

Bishop Phil Whipple and Global Ministries director Jeff Bleijerveld are on their way to California. They’ll be at the UB church in Pixley, Calif., this Sunday (that’s the only UB church in California). Then they’ll travel to Mexico to visit the UB churches there, accompanied by Denis Casco, Bishop of Mexico Conference.