The Global Ministries staff (l-r): Donna Hollopeter, Jeff Bleijerveld, Frank Y, and Jana Gass.

The Global Ministries staff (l-r): Donna Hollopeter, Jeff Bleijerveld, Frank Y, and Jana Gass.

February 14 marked the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. The festivities always last two weeks, and end with a big bang on the final day.

On January 31, the first day of the celebrations, the Global Ministries staff sent the above photo to our Chinese church leaders in Hong Kong, and to the Global Ministries staff in Macau and China. A number of our United Brethren colleagues in the Far East responded with appreciation.

Frank was born in China and lived there until age 7.

Huntington University award winners at the annual Fort Wayne Ad Federation Awards recognition on February 14, 2014.

Huntington University award winners at the annual Fort Wayne Ad Federation Awards recognition on February 14, 2014.

Huntington University students, graduates, and faculty shined at the Fort Wayne Ad Federation Awards on February 14. They took home four golds, three silvers, nine student golds, seven student silvers, and “Best of Show Student” in the annual creative advertising contest.

This annual competition recognizes advertising creative excellence from students and local advertising and media professionals. Entries are judged on creativity, originality, and creative strategy.

The Fort Wayne Advertising Honors is a unique national awards program designed specifically for college students. Work entered at the local level can move up to the regional and national judging.

David and Annette Souers

David and Annette Souers

David Souers was named senior pastor of New Horizons UB church (Rockford, Ohio) effective February 6, 2014. Since 2008, David had been lead pastor of Westwood Fellowship in Woodburn, Ind. (part of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches denomination).

David grew up in UB churches in northeast Indiana, in the Huntington and Fort Wayne areas. He graduated in 2012 from Moody Bible Institute with a degree in biblical studies, and is currently working on his MDiv at Wesley Seminary.

David’s wife, Annette, graduated from Moody in 2005 with a degree in sports ministry, and in 2011 received a degree in nursing from Medtech College. She and David have one child.

Jeremiah and Elisa Ketchum

Jeremiah and Elisa Ketchum

Jeremiah Ketchum was appointed lead pastor of Brown Corners UB church (Clare, Mich.) effective January 26, 2014.

Jeremiah and his wife, Elisa, were married in 2000 and have four children ages 1-11. From 2003-2008, they served with New Tribes Mission, including a year of ministry in China.

Both Jeremiah and Elisa graduated from New Tribes Bible Institute (Jackson, Mich.) in 2005. Jeremiah went on to earn a Master’s in Religious Studies in 2006 from Southern California Seminary.

pool-ketchum-owensThe Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team has approved these ministerial licenses:

  • Kevin Poole has been granted a Specialized Ministry license. He is Children’s Pastor at Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Jeremiah Ketchum has been granted a Provisional ministerial license. He is lead pastor at Brown Corners UB church (Clare, Mich.).
  • Mitchell Owens has been granted a National Conference ministerial license. He is executive pastor at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).

Future Foresters are invited to come to Huntington University for an overnight visit on February 21-22. Forester Fest is designed to give prospective students interested in any of HU’s more than 70 undergraduate programs an opportunity to tour the campus, meet current students, and talk with professors.

Also, Huntington University will host a visit day for all theater majors on February 21. This day is designed for students interested in studying general theater, theater performance, or theater design and technology. During the day, perspective students will have the opportunity to tour the campus and talk with faculty and current students as well as attend a performance of “Red.”

Kyle McQuillen served as director of Global Ministries 1993-2001. He then semi-retired with his wife, Marlouise, in Florida. Two years ago, Kyle was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. On February 13, he gave an update on Facebook.

Kyle writes:

I am presently in the Oncology outpatient department of the Bert Fish hospital in New Smyrna Beach, Fla., getting my monthly post-cancer infusion treatment. It has been two years since I was diagnosed with stage four Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I thought this would be a good time for an update while I wait for this five-hour procedure to complete.

My cancer went into remission in April 2012, but I went through a very trying time for the next six months since the chemo nearly destroyed my immune system. I did begin to recover in August 2012, and have been gaining strength ever since. While I am still taking these monthly post-cancer treatments (Retuxin and IVIG), I am working all the time.

I work a day or two a week at our local church (visitation and pastoral care), but my main work is at the Tomoka Correctional Institution (State Prison) where I work for the Florida Department of Corrections overseeing a reentry program for 292 inmates. I work 55 hours a week at the prison and LOVE my work among so many inmates on whom others have given up hope.

Thank you for your prayers and concerns over these past two years! I am so grateful that the Lord has given me this “extra” time to invest my remaining years in the lives of those men who have taught me so much about what it means to really trust the Lord in difficult times.

Marilyn Reeck reports that her husband, Roger, saw an orthopedic surgeon on Monday morning, February 17. At 8 am on Wednesday, February 19, Roger will undergo an ankle bone fusion. They would appreciate your prayers. Roger has suffered from this ankle problem for a long time now.

Roger and Marilyn Reeck are Global Ministries endorsed missionaries serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Honduras. They both frequently travel to other countries, including nations in Africa and South America, to do training and consulting.

L-r (top): Gary Hitz, Kim Fish, Jason Haupert, Jeff Propps, Ted Rankin. Bottom: Adam Will, Stephanie Farman, Andy Sikorra, Michelle Blocher, Steve Henry.

L-r (top): Gary Hitz, Kim Fish, Jason Haupert, Jeff Propps, Ted Rankin. Bottom: Adam Will, Stephanie Farman, Andy Sikorra, Michelle Blocher, Steve Henry.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team has approved these licenses and ordinations.

Provisional Ministerial License

  • Gary Hitz, from Strinestown UB church (Manchester, Pa.).
  • Matt Graham, current an intern at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • Kim Fish, Women’s Ministries Director at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • Jason Haupert, from New Hope Church (Huntington, Ind.).
  • Jeff Propps, from Franklintown UB church (Franklintown, Pa.).
  • Ted Rankin, youth pastor at Atlantic Avenue UB church (Franklin, Pa.).
  • Adam Will, associate pastor of Mt. Hermon UB church (Pomeroy, Ohio).

Specialized Ministry License

  • Stephanie Farman, Children’s Coordinator at Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.).

Ordinations Approved
Ordinations for these persons will be conducted by Bishop Phil Whipple at a later date.

  • Andy Sikorra, senior pastor of Renew Communities (Berea, Ohio).
  • Eric Self, senior pastor of Mount Zion UB church (Junction City, Ohio).
  • Michelle Blocher, Pastor of Early Childhood Ministries at Emmanuel Community Church (Fort Wayne, Ind.).
  • Randy Marketich, senior pastor of Barton Road UB church (Meadville, Pa.).
  • Steve Henry, senior pastor of Victory Heights UB Church (Franklin, Pa.).

Typhoon Haiyan devastated parts of the Philippines in early November. We have about 20 United Brethren churches in the Philippines.

As always happens in the aftermath of major disasters, United Brethren people wanted to help. Our practice, through Global Ministries, is to partner with organizations which specialize in disaster relief. We partnered with Samaritan’s Purse following the 2011 earthquake in Haiti, and after the 2012 tsunami in Japan. UB churches and people were invited to channel money through Global Ministries, all of which was sent on to Samaritan’s Purse (Global Ministries doesn’t take a cut). That amounted to roughly $70,000 for Haiti and $11,000 for Japan.

The same process was used with the Philippines, as we once again partnered with Samaritan’s Purse. As of the end of December 2013, Global Ministries had received $7,473 for Typhoon Haiyan relief.

Franklin Graham, President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, described Haiyan as “one of the strongest storms in history. Over 6,000 people died and another 4 million people were displaced. He wrote, “The destruction was the worst from  a storm I have ever seen. Entire towns have been reduced to piles of sticks. It’s hard to imagine how anyone survived.”

Even before the typhoon moved away from the Philippines, Samaritan’s Purse dispatched a team to the country. The next week, they airlifted 100 tons of emergency supplies, including a field hospital, aboard a 747. Another chartered 747 soon followed, this one carrying 8 million square feet of heavy-duty plastic–enough to build emergency housing for up to 10,000 families. And much more help followed. A special airlift of over 60,000 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, many of them packed by survivors of Hurricane Sandy, was sent to the Philippines.