April 22, 2014

Scott Graham, senior pastor, Good Shepherd UB church (Greenfield, Ohio).
The folks at Good Shepherd, recognizing the Easter season as an opportunity to reach people when they are the most receptive, provided multiple opportunities to experience the reality of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection.
The week started with Good Shepherd hosting the community’s annual Palm Sunday service with many local churches participating.
For the first time, Good Shepherd held a Maundy Thursday service that was called “Passion Night.” The event celebrated and remembered the Last Supper as well as the events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion. The candlelight service was experiential, interactive, and very moving as participants handled a scourge and crown of thorns, and pounded a large nail into a cross.
Easter Sunday was the culmination of a great Holy Week. Good Shepherd tripled its average attendance with 321, and 20 people accepted Christ!
Then more than 80 children collected over 4,000 candy and prize-filled eggs in the three Easter Egg hunts! Every child received at least one of the hundreds of large and small prizes, including bikes, scooters, electronics, sporting equipment, and an American Girl doll that were donated from folks in the congregation.