Global Ministries is sponsoring a trip to Jamaica during January to work at the Malvern Camp. The team will continue work on the new dormitory at the camp. The first floor is completed, but work needs to begin on the second floor.

Dates: January 3-10, 2015.
Team Leader: Dwight Kuntz (right).
Cost: $750 per person, plus airfare.

The $750 includes in-country travel, food, lodging, supplemental health insurance, and cost of materials.

Denis and Reina Casco

Denis and Reina Casco

Denis Casco, Bishop of Mexico Conference, provided this “Day 11” update on his wife, Reina, who suffered a brain aneurysm. She is hospitalized in the Los Angeles area, where they live.

“Reina is out of ICU to start recovery for a few days more in the hospital. She started walking, small steps, with the help of the physical therapist. Reina is a very strong woman and very soon she will be back to her normal life and her pastoral work, which she has always done with dedication and devotion to God.

“I thank everyone for your prayers and support in this very difficult time of our life. We’ve been feeling much strength when we read your letters and many messages of solidarity.”

Reina is pastor of a church in Glendale, Calif.

Reina Casco
2427 Rochelle Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016

Denis Casco, bishop of Mexico Conference, reported Monday morning (Sept. 15) that his wife, Reina, is improving steadily from the brain hemorrhage she suffered ten days before. “It’s amazing how God is working in her recuperation day by day. Probably this week her doctor will move her from ICU to a regular room to continue her treatment. All tests show that she is getting better. We are thankful to God for this miracle in Reina’s life and we hope that very soon she will be at home.”

Reina Casco
2427 Rochelle Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016

Deb VanArsdalen’s father, Emil Schock, passed away last week. His memorial service was held on Saturday, September 13. Deb’s husband, Dan, is senior pastor of Alvordton UB church (Alvordton, Ohio). Cards can be sent to:

Deb VanArsdalen
201 Lakeview Drive
Bryan, OH 43506

The crowd at the Michindoh Conference Center

The crowed at the Michindoh Conference Center

Pastor Lester Smith as the Apostle Paul.

Pastor Lester Smith as the Apostle Paul.

Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.) held its 16th annual Friends and Family Day on Sunday, August 24.

The event began with an indoor service at the church, followed by an outdoor service at the Fireside Memorial Chapel at Michindoh Conference Center. Pastor Lester Smith, playing the role of the Apostle Paul, delivered the book of 1 Thessalonians in both services.

There were a large number of visitors, with a combined record attendance for this event of over 550. After a potluck lunch, everyone enjoyed the camp water slide, swimming, and a cardboard-with-duct-tape boat race.

Top row (l-r): Stephanie Farman, Todd Moser, Kevin Poole, Montgomery Seaman, Matteneh Abu, Scott Graham. Middle row: Todd Greenman, Gener Lascase, Chris Soltis, Jason Clarke, Todd Frederick, Mike Mattox. Bottom row: Marvin McNew, Caleb Palmer, David Souers, Nicholas Walborn.

Top row (l-r): Stephanie Farman, Todd Moser, Kevin Poole, Montgomery Seaman, Matteneh Abu, Scott Graham. Middle row: Todd Greenman, Gener Lascase, Chris Soltis, Jason Clarke, Todd Frederick, Mike Mattox. Bottom row: Marvin McNew, Caleb Palmer, David Souers, Nicholas Walborn.

The Pastoral Ministry Leadership Team has granted ministerial licenses to the following persons. We welcome them to the United Brethren ministerial family.

Specialized Licenses

  • Stephanie Farman, children’s coordinator at Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.).
  • Todd Moser, Children’s Ministry Director at New Horizons Community Church (Rockford, Ohio).
  • Kevin Poole, Children’s Pastor at Fowlerville UB church (Fowlerville, Mich.).
  • Montgomery Seaman, Pastor of Worship & Connections at Mongul UB church (Shippensburg, Pa.).

National Conference Licenses

  • Matteneh Abu, from Mount Zion United African Church (Philadelphia, Pa.).
  • Scott Graham, senior pastor of Good Shepherd UB church (Greenfield, Ohio).
  • Todd Greenman, senior pastor of Morocco UB church (Temperance, Mich.).
  • Gener Lascase, pastor of Salem Haitian UB church (Chambersburg, Pa.).
  • Chris Soltis, Pastor of Children & Youth Ministries at Shoreline UB church (Oak Harbor, Ohio).

Provisional Licenses

  • Jason Clarke, Director of Worship Arts at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).
  • Todd Frederick, from Sunfield UB church (Sunfield, Mich.).
  • Mike Mattox, senior pastor of New Life Church (Chanute, Kansas).
  • Marvin McNew, associate pastor of The Well (Huntington, Ind.).
  • Caleb Palmer, senior pastor of Northland Community Church (Traverse City, Mich.).
  • David Souers, senior pastor of New Horizons Community Church (Rockford, Ohio).
  • Nicholas Walborn, Director of Student Ministries at New Hope Community Church (Bryan, Ohio).

Reina Casco with a grandchild.

Reina Casco with a grandchild.

Denis Casco, Bishop of Mexico Conference, posted the following on Facebook on Thursday morning, September 11. His wife, Reina, is in the Intensive Care Unit of Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, Calif.

Reina received a dose of morphine at 11:30 pm to calm her severe pain from the the cerebral hemorrhage she suffered five days ago. She looks very vulnerable; her face is like a helpless child that makes me literally shed tears of pain in the bottom of my heart. I know God is with her and that his angels are taking care of Reina.

Tomorrow she’ll probably have a second surgery to put a catheter into her brain to drain and help reduce the severe headache. I am trusted in God that this will help a lot and she will be able to sleep a little more.

Last night I went to church to pray with my brothers and sisters, and also to comfort them because they are also suffering from Reina’s disease. We were helping each other, as God’s Word commands. These have been difficult days, but I felt the support of hundreds of people like my family, pastors, friends, and churches in many countries that are praying for Reina. I have received hundreds of phone calls, messages, emails etc. I have not been able to answer until today.

Reina Casco at the Glendale Hispanic church which she pastors in the Los Angeles area.

Reina Casco at the Glendale Hispanic church which she pastors in the Los Angeles area.

Reina Casco, wife of Bishop Denis Casco of Mexico Conference, entered a Los Angeles-area hospital on Sunday with an aneurysm. The Cascos live in Monrovia, Calif. Bishop Casco posted the following (with some editing–English is his second language) on Tuesday, September 10.

Bishop Denis Casco, Mexico Conference

Today Reina is talking a little more than yesterday, and that’s a good sign for recovery. I’m counting each day as a gift of life for all my family, because today I learned more clearly that we can die in a second, and that’s what would have happened with Reina. Aneurysm is highly dangerous if not treated immediately. Reina could have died, but God did not allow it because it is He that gives life and takes it away.

Reina is slowly responding. She continues in ICU under strict medical care. Pain will be in her head for a few days, so they have to deliver morphine.

Everyone here in my family is very grateful to all of you for taking care of me with your text messages, phone calls, visits, and especially for your prayers. God has listened carefully and responded to all of you with such love and mercy for Reina. Please keep praying for Reina. This is a very critical period for her.


Reina Casco
2427 Rochelle Avenue
Monrovia, CA  91016


At the Atlantic Avenue baptismal service.

At the Atlantic Avenue baptismal service.

On August 24, Atlantic Avenue UB church (Franklin, Pa.) baptized 25 persons. The service was held at a county park. After a tureen dinner, everyone headed down to the beach for a worship time, communion, and the baptism. About 230 people attended.

Superintendent Juanita Chavez (third from left) with Honduran leaders during the three days of prayer and fasting.

Superintendent Juanita Chavez (third from left) with Honduran leaders during the three days of prayer and fasting.

Jeff Bleijerveld (right), Director of Global Ministries

Juanita Chavez, superintendent of Honduras Conference, wrote about a conference-wide three days of prayer and fasting. It stretched from 6am-6pm on August 25, 26, and 27.

Some leaders met together during this prayer summit, but all members of their 115 churches were encouraged to join them. They were inspired by the example of Moses, Aaron, and Hur who climbed to the top of a hill in Exodus 17:10-15, and together held up Moses’ hands so that the Israelites would prevail over the Amaleks.

So what did they prayer about?

  • A revival throughout the church as a result of hearing and obeying the Word of God.
  • Willingness of their leaders to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit, recognizing the Lordship of Jesus over His church.
  • Reestablishment of the “family altar” among their families, so that Christ would be evident in their family lives.
  • Bethel School and its financial needs.
  • The Retreat Center and the projects underway to complete it.
  • Their country and its leaders–that the fear of God would awaken in their hearts.
  • Wisdom from God for the difficult decisions and situations that we see around the world in these times of crisis.

They also shared their anticipation in joining with others from September 30 to October 20 for the 21 Days For Global Harvest. This is the first year that Global Ministries has invited our worldwide body to join this prayer campaign for fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation.