Funeral arrangements have been finalized for Lettitia and Sundima Sinnah, who died February 10 in a parsonage fire in Baltimore, Md. Lettitia was the wife of Rev. Samuel Sinnah, pastor of the Brooklyn Park UB church in Baltimore, and Sundima was their 17-year-old son.

Funeral: Saturday, March 21, 2015.
Time: Visitation 10-11 am. Funeral 11 am.
Location: North County High School, 10 East 1st Ave., Glen Burnie, MD 21061.

A vigil will be held at the Brooklyn Park UB church on Friday night, March 20, from 7-9 pm. Bishop Phil Whipple will speak at the funeral the next day.

Lettitia’s mother and sister are coming from Sierra Leone. Efforts have been made to expedite the securing of passports and visas. The Ebola crisis complicates matters, though it’s uncertain whether any 21-day quarantine will apply in this situation. However, the funeral home could keep the body for a limited period of time, so they had to go ahead with scheduling the funeral.

How You Can Help

We invite you to help with some costs related to the funeral and the ongoing needs of the Sinnah family.

  1. Rev. Sinnah and his remaining son, Joseph, are currently living at a hotel. They will be relocating to an apartment, and will need money for furnishings and other costs.
  2. Travel costs will be significant for Lettitia’s mother and sister.

If you would like to help with these expenses, you can channel donations through the United Brethren National Office. Send checks to:

UB National Office
302 Lake Street
Huntington, IN 46750

Write checks to “United Brethren in Christ,” and include a note saying the donation is for Sinnah Family Relief. Note: these donations will NOT be tax-exempt.

A United Brethren History Course will be held May 4-5 in Akron, Ohio. This course is a requirement for ministerial licensing in the United Brethren denomination. However, people who just want to learn more about UB history are invited to attend.

During the past four years, 125 people have attended the course in 15 different locations.

Date: May 4-5, 2015 (Monday and Tuesday)
Time: 9 am – 4 pm each day
Location: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Airport, Akron, Ohio
Address: 898 Arlington Ridge East, Akron, OH 44512
Instructor: Daryl Elliott (right), senior pastor of Fountain UB church (Keyser, W. Va.).

Registration Cost

  • $200, if you are seeking a ministerial license.
  • $100 for everyone else.
  • $20 for “Trials and Triumphs,” a history of the United Brethren church. ($14.95 for the book, $5.05 shipping for US, $12.95 international). The book will be sent from the national office. Or, stop by the office and pick up a copy, to save shipping. You MUST have a copy of the book for the class. Order a copy from Church Resources at the National Office by calling toll-free: 888-622-3019, ext 301.


Note: $50 discount if you pay fully in advance!

Course payment must be sent one week prior to the class, unless other arrangements are made. Send to:

United Brethren in Christ
302 Lake Street
Huntington, Ind. 46750

Make checks payable to “United Brethren in Christ.”

Participants in the 2014 UB Youth Workers Summit.

Participants in the 2014 UB Youth Workers Summit.

This annual event is available to all paid youth ministry staff or the lead youth ministry volunteer in the church. About 25 youth workers typically attend.

Date: April 27-30, 2015
Location: Best Western Aku Tiki Inn,
2225 South Atlantic Avenue
Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118

The Summit is a great time of networking with other youth leaders and being encouraged by others who are in the trenches of youth ministry. They enjoy the beach, the golf course, and incredibly beautiful weather, along with the chance to slow down and step away from the constant demands of youth ministry.

This year’s keynote speaker is Don Rosco. He will walk us through the life of Christ and how that can and should apply to our ministry today.


  • Two persons in a room: $195 per person (whether it’s a spouse or another youth worker)
  • One person in a room: $280 per person

You can register now. After April 1, the cost rises $50 and is on an availability-only basis. This is due to contracted arrangements with the hotel.

The registration fee includes meeting costs, lodging, breakfasts, and two “Special Treat” dinners–one hosted by Huntington University, the other by Bishop Phil Whipple.

You are responsible for:

  • Transportation to and from Daytona
  • Meals that are not covered (see above)
  • Hotel incidentals

For complete information, go to

Roger Reeck underwent ankle replacement surgery on Tuesday, February 17, in Medford, Oregon. Marilyn writes, “Roger came thru the operation fine. The doctor is pleased especially because he was able to correctly align the ankle. Roger will be in the hospital for another 36 hours as they seek to control the pain level. Roger is in good spirits.” Roger added that the pain right now is “bearable.” Roger and Marilyn are career missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators, and come under the Global Ministries umbrella as UB endorsed missionaries.

INDIANAPOLIS HOUNDSIndiana residents: renewing your license plate in March? Consider getting a Huntington University license plate. For each plate you purchase, HU receives $25 for the Forester Fund, a scholarship fund that benefits more than 90% of our students. Last year, it generated over $13,000. Plus, the plates help raise people’s awareness of Huntington University.

The state requires that at least 500 plates be sold each year. HU is in danger of losing its license plate because of low numbers, so your support is welcome. Anyone can order a Huntington University plate for passenger cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, and motorcycles.

Current students who buy the HU license plate get the annual $50 campus parking fee waived for the year.

You can learn more about this program on the HU website, and you can order through the BMV.

Lester Smith (right), senior pastor, Hillsdale UB church (Hillsdale, Mich.)

The second Sunday of February is World Marriage Day and also the week of Valentine’s Day. I always address marriage on that day. To introduce my message to the congregation, we showed the amazing video testimony above. It is about a young couple in our church.

The sermon topic was taken from the very first principle of marriage stated in Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

There is a clear order in this progression: The leaving of the parent’s home, then the wedding or being “joined to his wife,” and finally becoming one flesh. It’s worth noting the next verse informs us of the outcome intended by God: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”

Jesus also pointed to this principle when questioned about His position on divorce in Matt. 19:5. Finally, Paul referenced it in Eph. 5:31 as the foundation stone in the most famous marriage passage of the New Testament.

The problem in today’s culture is we have reversed the order of the first principle of marriage. The man and woman do leave their parents, but often for the purpose of cohabitation. Therefore, for all practical purposes they have “become one flesh” before, not after, the wedding ceremony.

This means when most couples are joined together in marriage today, the foundation has been built on a shame-based relationship. The result is just the opposite of God’s original design expressed in Gen. 2:25 for newly weds to be “not ashamed.” All the research confirms a much higher divorce rate among couples who violate this biblical principle.

Pastor Greg Helman (right) presenting a check for Mowery Elementary School.

Pastor Greg Helman (right) presenting a check for Mowery Elementary School to Dr. Barbara Martin, the school principal.

Greg Helman, senior pastor, Blue Rock UB Church (Waynesboro, Pa.)

Blue Rock Church (Waynesboro, Pa.) contributed over $1300 to the Mowery Student Fund to help children in need. Each year, we receive an offering to bless those less fortunate at the school. The fund has no strings attached to it. So, the teachers and principal can decide how the money is distributed. It could go towards a coat, book bag, or a pair of shoes or clothing, to mention a few things.

In addition to the money, Blue Rock Church hosts Mowery Elementary for Bible Release Time. Also, one of our Sunday school classes takes snacks and/or subs along with cards of encouragement to the staff periodically throughout the school year.



Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

January saw a significant decline in the number of new cases of Ebola being reported throughout West Africa. Nearly a year since the original outbreak in Guinea, the World Health Organization reports that some 9,252 have died of the deadly disease (as of February 10, 2015). The vast majority of these have taken place in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Sierra Leone has the highest number of reported cases, 10,987, with 3,363 deaths (about 500 less than Liberia).

Country Cases Deaths
Guinea 3,081 2,032
Liberia 8,931 3,858
Sierra Leone 10,987 3,363
Totals 22,999 9,252

On January 30 we received this report from Rev. Justin Marva, conference administrator for Sierra Leone National Conference.

“We thank God that the health situation out here has improved. Most regions except for the north and west do not have cases of Ebola for the past three weeks. However, we don’t want to be complacent, so we are still maintaining the health rules. Schools are still closed and all public gathering banned. However, there are still church services and people are now allowed to travel. We hope everything will be alright by April as we expect schools to reopen soon. We are doing fine. Keep praying for us.”

The three shipments of medical and relief supplies have all been received and are being distributed. The pallet of rice, beans, and other various food items gathered by UB churches and packed by the Cochranton United Brethren Church in Pennsylvania, is being distributed by conference leadership.

The 20-foot container gathered by numerous UB churches and others in the Eastern US also arrived and is being distributed through the Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone. This same organization is also handling the distribution of the 40-foot container filled with nearly $400,000 worth of medical supplies. We did not gather those supplies, but we provided the $14,000 needed to ship the container.

Bishop John Pessima (center) and other workers with newly-arrived boxes of relief supplies.

Bishop John Pessima (center) and other workers with newly-arrived boxes of relief supplies.

Unloading supplies sent for Ebola relief.

Unloading supplies sent for Ebola relief.

Bishop John Pessima (right) and others with supplies sent to Mattru Hospital by UBs in Berlin.

UB workers with supplies sent to Mattru Hospital by UBs in Berlin.

Jeff Bleijerveld, Director of Global Ministries

Rev. John Pessima, bishop of Sierra Leone National Conference, reports that the distribution of items gathered by United Brethren churches in the Eastern United States has gained the attention of local and national radio, TV, and print media. With the assistance of the Christian Health Association of Sierra Leone (CHASL), 50% of the items are being sent to the western region, 20% to the north, and the remaining 25% to the south. CHASL has also been instrumental in clearing the containers with port authorities, including the container that delivered the pallet of food items and the 40-foot container of medical supplies we had the privilege of underwriting.

In addition, Ebola relief supplies have come from the United Brethren church in Berlin, Germany, which consists largely of immigrants from Sierra Leone. Dr. Ladipol of the Berlin congregation has spearheaded efforts to provide for Ebola relief, including for our own Mattru Hospital.

Continue to pray for the complete eradication of Ebola. According to the Associated Press, a quarantine was imposed in a fishing district of the capital city, Freetown, after at least five new Ebola cases were confirmed there, an official said on February 14.

The report said Sierra Leone has seen nearly 11,000 confirmed, probable, and suspected Ebola cases during the worst Ebola outbreak in history. That’s the most of any country, according to the World Health Organization. Despite a drop in cases, transmission in Sierra Leone remains widespread, with 76 new cases confirmed in the previous week, according to WHO.


Roger and Marilyn Reeck (right) are UB endorsed missionaries in Honduras. They serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Roger has had continuing ankle problems for several years. Here is an update received on February 13.

It is wonderful and comforting to have such a great group of caring, prayerful people that we can approach at this time.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12). This verse has become a reality in our lives over the last months.

Roger and I leave from Honduras for Medford, Oregon this Saturday, February 14. On Tuesday, February 17, Roger will undergo a total ankle replacement. The main requests are: good pain control, good healing (no infection), and protection from blood clots since Roger has a prior history.

The effectiveness of this operation will determine our contributions in the future. We rely on God’s promises.These are some of the things that are causing us to be hopeful and grateful:

  1. The Lord’s provision in all areas.
  2. A Christian doctor who commits everything to prayer and recognizes that he is an instrument of God.
  3. Housing in Medford: Dr. Owen, the orthopedic surgeon and his wife have graciously offered to host us in their home for the two weeks after the operation.
  4. A great place to stay during the recuperation period. After Medford, we will spend several weeks at the Wycliffe center in Tucson.